2 articles · 166 karma · 1 friends · active 1 year, 6 months ago

I am the proud son of a WWII hero, now 76yo. In 1972 I was blessed to get a ride in Scatterbrain Kid, Revis Sirmon's P-38. Revis and Dad were wingmen. My namesake is Roger Dale Weatherbee, another wingman. Many years later, Revis purchased a plaque with a poem I wrote. He had tears in his eyes as he handed me the money. It's a good poem. The Blue Angels have used it to honor and remember those few lost Angels. All are gone now, but not forgotten.

Lt. Ernie D. Latham, Hangman 19

Ernie D. Latham, Bob Trottier, and Roger Dale Weatherbee in Dayton, OH at the USAF Museum. Three fighter pilots of the 49th, each with 50 missions in combat. Taken in the mid-90s.

Lt. Ernie D. Latham, Hangman 19

My father in 1944 after a mission for the 49FS Hangmen, standing in front of Hangman's Hangout the O-Club. The second picture was taken by an old B-24 buddy. It shows my Dad buzzing the bomber outfit on his first P-38 flight.