4 articles · 2.1K karma · 27 friends · active 20 hours, 19 minutes ago

I live in the Chicago, Illinois area. retiring in 2018 after thirty-eight years of challenging but fulfilling work, I can now get down to the serious business of whittling down that stash which consists primarily of 1/48 WWII allied aircraft. My other avocation is volunteering with a cat adoption group. I live with a wonderful wife, of nearly forty years now, and five cats. We adopt the hard luck and overly shy shelter residents that require patience. As you can see from my avatar, I flew the F 106 in a Hawaiian shirt. Seriously, the Kalamazoo Air Zoo has what I gathered to be a familiarization cockpit of an F-106 and an F-16. I had to drop both legs into the F-106 at the same time because it is a tight fit even for a fairly thin guy. All the instruments and electronics leave just enough room to squeeze by. Interestingly, for me anyway, there is the black vertical divider splitting the left and right sides under the windshield. The museum also has both an SR-71B a Curtis P-55, and an SBD Dauntless that participated in Operation Torch on loan from the NASM. Did I mention my other avocation: aviation art prints? I have ten and do not envision adding to the collection, but the ones I have are significant, in my estimation, for the signatures that appear on them. I have gone on at length here not because I think that I am particularly interesting, but because I enjoy getting insight from the bios of other iModeler members. After all, it is a social scale modeling web site.

North American P-51

That was Bert Kinzey's summation of the Tamiya A-10 in his Detail & Scale volume. I think it applies to the Accurate Miniatures P-51 series as well. The first three kits released by the then start-up company are now thirty years old. I [...]

Major Michael Jackson's Teddy

This is the venerable Tamiya P-47D with Aeromaster decals. The paints are also Aeromaster. They stir up well years, or could be decades at this point, after purchasing them. The decals did not tear or shatter. I did have serious silvering [...]

Fighting Colours

Fighting Colours is a Kookaburra title by Michael JF Bowyer covering Royal Air Force camouflage and markings from 1937 to 1975. Chapter six addresses the RAF's shift to the offensive in 1941. In a subheading titled Important Colour Changes [...]

An Inauspicious InauguralFrog Typhoon IB

I built this kit many years ago when I resumed building after my growing hiatus. It is the Frog kit number 231. While I have not measured the length and wingspan for accuracy the overall shape seems good. The spinner seems a little bulbous [...]