31 articles · 5.1K karma · 22 friends · active 1 year, 8 months ago

Hello from the Netherlands, where I live together with my wife Angelique.

Being from modelyear 1962 I can remember plastic scalemodeling has been a part of me since I was about 9 years of age, doing my best at my first Airfix kit.( from a plastic bag with headercard). The polystyrene virus has never left me, and with some on and off periods influenced by life I'm building more and more in the last couple of years. Subjects of interest are the RAF WWII and modern, Canadian Airforce, and niche subjects like for example waterbombers. Preferred scale is 1:72, but other scales and subjects are not ruled out. all depending on the state of the virus. Also a keen interest in airport ground equipment like refuelers, towtrucks etc.

I also like to build military soft skin vehicles in 1/72 and 1/35 scale, mostly WWII but also some modern ones.

Furthermore I'm the chairman of the IPMS south western regio chapter in the Netherlands.

Airfix 1:72 Boulton Paul Defiant. new tooling

As I've just joined iModeler, finding my way around, I like to share one of my recent builds. Airfix introduced the new tooling for the Boulton Paul Defiant in 1:72 scale, and I allways had an intrest in this somewhat unusual fighter. It [...]