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1:32 ‘Wespe’

January 7, 2019 · in Aviation · · 20 · 3.1K

So each Christmas I try to do a 'clear the bench project' - nothing too taxing, so I can pretty much get done in about two to three weeks. This year, 's 109 E-7 got the nod.

Not sure why folks seem to shy away from the Trumpy 109E kits. Almost all the completed ones that I have seen are from the Eduard and Dragon kits. Ahh well... I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this one. Perfect fit everywhere, lots of detail, excellent etch, decals and phenomenal clear parts (not so excellent rubber tyres tho'). For a change I broke out my enamels for the RLM74/75/76/04 colours, all of which I mixed using my preferred Mk.I eyeball method.

Highly recommend this to anyone contemplating a 1/32 build and perhaps a wee bit put off by the excessive parts count and cost of some of the 'uber kits' around just now - I got this off a well known online auction site from a Chinese based seller for just £16.50! (that's as good as giving it away) even down here to NZ the postage was just ten quid.

So here t'is all done, only addition is the kit specific Eduard Zoom set which includes the harness too; And I have to admit that I'm very pleased with it. Please feel free to hurl any criticism, ask any questions or make any comment at all.

Thanks for taking the time to look and Happy 2019 to all here.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Very nice build, I agree, Trumpeter kits are actually quite good. Very nice indeed.

    • Trumpeter kits all go together very well. Whether they're an accurate representation of what they claim is a completely different question. It depends. The company motto is obviously "hit and miss."

  2. Profile Photo
    said on January 7, 2019

    Very nice. I concur on trumpy. There are a few dodgy kits but many good kits.

  3. Thumbs up for your MK I Eyeball method!
    More of that. There is too much painting by numbers going on.
    Your paint job looks great. The build too of course.
    You really hit the sheen on the model.
    Excellent overall impression.

  4. Big size Emil! Not my scale so don’t know much about this Trumpi kit, but your work on it is great, I like it. Did you painted with the new colours from AK?

  5. This is a beautiful rendering of a real classic. Well done, Ian!

  6. Nice job on clearing the bench and starting the NEW Year. I like it.

  7. It looks very good and with Trumpeter I have been wanting to ride an A6A for a long time but I have not decided.


  8. That's a good lookin' job, Ian...I like it.

  9. Super finish; very harmonic overall impression - and this as a short time project! Chapeau!

  10. great looking emil

  11. Haven't seen this scheme on an emil before-nice work Ian.

  12. Beautiful paint work and decaling.

  13. A beautiful "E." Love the paint and finish work, and the Emil is my favorite version of the venerable 109.

  14. So many positive comments... thank you folks, honestly I am a little overwhelmed. So glad you like it.

    Going to take a break (summer holidays), then back with a 'grey jet'... Thanks again folks, very humbled by your response.


  15. Top !
    Have a nice break.

  16. Lovely paint work on that.

  17. That’s sharp, Ian. You don’t see that variant modeled often. Thanks for sharing!

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