37 articles · 3.1K karma · 7 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

Hi my name is David, I'm originally from the West Texas town of El Paso and I'm currently living in Hampton, Virginia next door to Langley Air Force Base, I've been building models since my old man brought home a Revell 1/82 or so A3J Vigilante. I remember him saying, "wait for the glue to dry!", I was so eager to play with it. I must have been 5 or 6 at the time. Ever since then I've been hooked by scale modeling. Now I'm more a collector (some would say a sick hoarder) than builder I still enjoy modeling very much.

Some of my models are recent builds and some are old, but I don't think that matters. I'm a photographer and have worked as one professionally and currently I work for a camera manufacturer assisting customers. I grew up building Airfix kits sold under the MPC label in the US. I'm a film shooter but do have digital cameras as well.

Classic Kit: Airfix 1/72 Me-262 Kit # 110 (1960)

When Airfix issued their new Me-262 kit I decided to build the original kit for a fun comparison. The original early kit is built out of the box and I used the second set of markings from the new kit. As most early kits from that era the [...]

Classic Kit: Monogram 1/48 P-38 First Edition (1964)

Here is Monogram's P-38 built out of the box. This is an original first edition, kit PA97-200, and as the code shows it was priced at $2.00. Later boxings of the kit showed yellow cowlings, but on this one I painted it as the [...]

Vintage Monogram 1/72 F-105B (1958)

First issued in the late 1950s Monograms F-105B included moving parts and a pilot that could be ejected. This is a later version without those features and showed an F-105B in Vietnam. The first time I built this kit was in 1973 and [...]

Classic Kit: Hawk 1/48 Lockheed T-33

This is the HAWK which was first issue in 1958 and Testors last issued it in 1989. It is marked with Caracal decals for a Langley AFB hack. The cheat line should be blue and not black, but that's what Caracal provided, and like many [...]

Vintage: Lindberg 1/51 F-94 Demonstrator (1954)

This is an oldie and dates back to early 1950s. Heck it's older than I am. It does not look like much in the box but I thought lets build it anyway. The only thing holding me back were markings. Due to the scale finding decals were a [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 P-47D Engine run up

I enjoy photographing my models just as much as I like building them. Here's an example. I shot this scene with a Nikon Coolpix 950 ($18 on eBay). This camera has excellent depth of field. Tarmac is sand paper, crew chief is from the [...]

Classic Kit: Matchbox 1/72 Spitfire Mk IX PK-2

Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I build old kits, the older the better. I especially like Revell, Aurora, HAWK, Matchbox and Airfix from the 1950s and '60s and 1970's. This Matchbox PK-2 of the 1/72 Spitfire Mk IX upgraded [...]