4 articles · 435 karma · 6 friends · active 9 years, 9 months ago

I am a 'born again' plastic modeller. I grew up with Airfix kits in the '60's and '70's and built anything I could get my hands on, usually aircraft, usually 1/72. My favourite movie of the era was 'The Battle of Britain' and I remember thinking I had died and gone to heaven when somebody presented me with the Airfix 1/24 scale Mk 1 Spitfire for a birthday. I was known to constantly (and most annoyingly I suspect) correct my Dads' colleagues, when they got their facts wrong about various aircraft. My Dad being in the Fleet Air Arm afforded me the opportunity to get up close and personal with the real thing. We would attend the annual 'Air Day' at my Dads base, HMS Daedalus, where you could sit in actual operational aircraft. I remember being instructed "not to touch that yellow and black striped handle between your legs son".

Modelling came to an abrupt end when 'other interests' took over.

After settling down with a family, I would take my 2 boys to Duxford. Whilst there I would lurk around the plastic models in the shop. Finally, after many visits and much lurking, I bought a 1/48 Revell Spitfire Mk. IX and upon opening the box was transported instantly to that happy plastic place of my childhood. This led to two more Spitfires which I happily slapped together and brush painted, with no real worries about accuracy.

My 'Road to Damascus' moment came when I stumbled upon a certain website, and was gobsmacked at the quality of the models on display and by the number of after-market goodies you could buy. I thought to myself 'I can do this'. From that day I have been hooked.

Wingnut Wings Bristol Fighter

This is my recently completed Brisfit. This was my first Wingnut Wings kit and I hope it won't be my last. I've got my eye on the new Walfisch, not so much rigging. The model was painted with Tamiya and Gunze acrylics and Humbrol enamel. [...]

1/72 Cyber Hobby SB2C3 Helldiver

Just finished this. The kit looked lovely in the box, especially the interior, but was plagued by poor instructions, ill fitting parts (dive brakes, open canopy). The engine cylinders are configured wrong. 2 of the canopy pieces snapped in [...]

Eduard 1/48 Roland C.II

This is the weekend edition of the kit and was built entirely OOB. This was my first attempt at a WW1 subject and it gave me the opportunity to try out a number of new (for me) modelling techniques. The kit goes together fairly well, [...]

Heinkel He 111 H-22

Built from the Monogram/Revell kit. Lot's of fit issues with much filling, sanding, re-scribing. Managed to lose 2 of the guns inside during construction. Got lots of dust in the glass nose from all the sanding. When I attempted to tap the [...]