G'day Eric (@eb801),
I've been doing a bit of research on the scheme options provided by Italeri for my bubble-top.
It seems that the first one is fictitious (JP*16/PR-J).
I was going to build this one because it has nose art of a small dog and the name "Jasper".
Chris Thomas isn't sure about this one (https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/threads/hawker-typhoon-mk-ib-italeri-1-48.41310/?amp=1).
Then I found this site (https://www.largescaleplanes.com/articles/article.php?aid=1125) where the builder says that the markings are fictional and the dog a tribute to is his (then) recently departed pet.
How did Italeri pick that one?
The second aircraft is MN130/PR-M, but the serial number is a typo (admitted by Chris in the link above) and should be MN131. This one has the small tail and 3-blade prop, so I'll do that one now.
The third is MN570/B which has the large tail, so no go.
The fourth, MN363/ZY-Y also has the large tail and may have had the 4-blade prop, so no go again.
So, of the 4 schemes offered, only one is a real aircraft that can be built from the kit as is!