The Doblhoff arrived
Earlier than expected the Doblhoff arrived yesterday, two weeks prior to my birthday. What more to wish.
I was however surprised by the dimensions of the package they delivered.
Even the postal package was small and opening it revealed an even smaller box.
Dimensions of the box are 20cm x 13cm x 3.5cm, at first I thought it was the 1:72 variant, but it definitely is the 1:48 kit.
Boxart is really nice.
Inside the box there is one bag of plastic.
Instructions are very clear and nicely printed in color.
Scheme choice this time is pretty simple, overal green.
Within the large bag, besides the instructions, two gray sprues and a smaller bag are present.
The smaller bag contains a clear sprue, decals, photo etch and masks.
Sprues parts are 71 in total, most of them are really small.
Although the box is small, this is a very complete kit.
The parts do contain a bit of flash but I don't think this will be an issue.
Photo etch seems a little affected (corroded) but that should be easy to clean.
All in all the kit is extremely complete and provided parts look nice.
Now I need to get approval from my family to start with it before my birthday 😉