About this Group

Helicopters represent a unique part of aviation history, both civilian and military. Capable of landing and taking off in circumstances impossible for most aircraft, they are highly capable in rescue, transport, covert operations and military attack roles and have redefined the nature of airborne operations in many theaters of war and specific battlefields.

This Group Build invites all proposed builds and works in progress across the whole history of helicopter design, including earlier auto-gyro types. Military and civilian types from all countries are welcome. Designs going back to the Second World War and earlier as well as the latest experimental types could provide a fascinating overview of the developing technology.

Helicopters are in many ways a unique challenge to model builders. Often fragile to assemble even out of the box they can also test modeler's skills in masking, painting and weathering. A Group Build may help those of us with a stash of unbuilt kits to see how others have handled these issues. Meanwhile current and former helo pilots on iModeler would be of great help in getting the details right, especially to those of us without insider's knowledge about these incredible machines.

All in all, helicopters deserve their own forum on this site and hopefully will inspire the interest of many iModeler members. Given continued interest and contributions to this GB I am happy to extend it for another year until December 2023. BTW, I do my best as administrator to join in but I still work full time and also commute 2 hrs a day so this does limit my time online with the hobby. Thanks for your continued interest! Happy modeling.

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Group admin:
Moderator(s): (none assigned)
Group type: Public Group
Total participants: 37
Most recent activity in the group: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Group activity timeline