Mil Mi-6 A-Model 1/72

Started by Colin Gomez · 13 · 1 year ago
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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    This is the very labor-intensive short-run A-Model kit of the Mi-6. I have always loved the look of this helicopter. While not in my preferred scale, it is so large that is takes up quite enough space as it is. I have done quite a bit of general assemble of main parts. The cockpit has also been partly detailed, although it will not be very visible through the fairly thick transparencies. The actual cockpit tub assembly is only a friction fit for now as I will be adding seat belt buckles and IP details when I pop it out again. As you can see, there is quite a bit of filling and sanding everywhere still to do. I have mainly been working on sub-assemblies and test fitting to make sure they will together as seamlessly as possible. So far so good but a lot of work! I will probably finish this as a North Vietnamese machine. Mi-6s where used to airlift entire MiG-17s and MiG-21s to new airfields in order to keep up with changing air defense needs. Maybe a diorama is in order? I have also started to build a ZIL 57 truck in 1/72, which I was considering for a different sort of diorama, offloading the truck from the rear clamshell doors.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Looking forward to your Mil-6 and the Helicopter Group, Colin (@coling). Most of my helos are in storage waiting for our move to a house that is taking forever to build, but I think I have a couple still here that will work. By the way, only your truck photo came through, so the others must be floating around as electrons somewhere. :o)

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Never mind. They showed up.

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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks, George. I had some strange difficulties attaching the pics. I had the same "file not found" messages for each pic after two re-edits while logged in. For those who might be curious about the solution, I just logged out completely and off the Internet then logged in again to the server and site and tried reloading the pics again from my hard drive. That worked, so it must have had to do with a full buffer/clipboard or something that needed clearing.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    What an awesome entry, my friend @coling! The Mi-6 is an iconic helicopter with an imposing posture.
    The Amodel is a seemingly very difficult kit, will turn out a masterpiece though, tackled by you.
    You' ve made a significant, quality progress already.
    Looking forward to your next steps!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    What an amazing start of this group build, Colin @coling

    Such an impressive helicopter, capable of lifting an entire aircraft.

    Those pictures clearly show how massive this machine is.

    Thank you for inviting me for this awesome group build, Colin @coling

    Currently I have no helicopters in stash, but I will search for one in the nearest shop to participate here.

    Will be my first ever helicopter if I remember correctly.

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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Spiros. I think I have some of the most difficult assembly done and the main seams on sub-assemblies already filled with stretched sprue. From here, the main work will be sanding and, of course getting the big parts connected with the proper alignment before connecting seams are filled and sanded. There will be some work restoring the delicate inscribed panel lines as well - especially on the underside. I really like the shape of the Mi-6, one of the most attractive heavy lift helicopters ever built, IMO. Russian helicopters in general have nice lines and really distinctive engineering. Fingers crossed this will turn out. There are some great builds out there of this particular model, so it has definite potential.

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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks, John and welcome to the Group! I think there are some very nice Italeri and Academy kits that are well molded and not so expensive, if you are only beginning with helicopters. Opinions may vary about how they go together, but builds I have seen look really nice. I have kits from both manufacturers in my stash. Newer Airfix kits are also very detailed and well engineered.

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    Bob Torres said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Nice start on the Mil Mi-6. This is an amazing and big helicopter and looking forward on your build progress.

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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Bob. It will be nice to finally have the proper motivation to finish it. In spite of its fit issues, it's a really good, well-detailed kit.

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    Roberto Flavio Alonzo Revollo Alarcon said 2 years, 7 months ago:

    This is a Helo that I´m Looking for... not so hard... but still looking for... I Build his grandson... te mil Mi-26... I´ll post it soon

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 7 months ago:

    Looking forward to your posting, my friend @flavioalonzo!

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    Allan J Withers said 1 year, 6 months ago:

    Hi Colin, I'm hoping to see your Mil 6 finished at some point, here's a pic' of mine and my friend Barry's at our recent IPMS NSW meeting, hope this inspires you.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.