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"It's the best modeling club on the planet!" @frey
@skyraider3d, Thanks a lot Ronnie
That is really some fine paint work, and it is turning out to be a beautiful build, @johnb.
Really nice work on this one, John (@johnb). The mottling is really good, as is the rest of the paint-work. Well done!
This is definitely one of your best, @johnb
I concur, one of your best models here to date John, great results on the painting, thumbs up
@gblair, @tcinla, @holzhamer, @luftwaffe-birdman, thanks all,
The 262 was presented recently on the headlines, definitely a pleasure to build.
Messerschmitt Me262A-1a Heinz “Pritzl” Bär, Hobby Boss 1/48 (No.80373 year 2011)
Upon revisiting your build here, I must say your airbrush skills are top notch and this is your best paint job yet. Total pro. Can’t say I have ever heard of a Fengda Airbrush.
Having been absent for far too long it is a real treat to check the progress made since my last visit - what a fine result John. That mottling looks absolutely spot on!
Good to have you back, Erik @airbum Thanks for the compliments.