@johnb and anyone else interested 🙂
First I’m surprise you guys are asking me! You're the expert modelers…this is my first time out 🙂
I painted every thing….perfectly I might add…the decal were horrible so it was suggested i weather it. Clueless on how to do it I remembered a pastel technique from another group long long ago. I’ll. Get to that in a minute.
I dulled everything down with flat clear, including the chrome. The flat clear melted some of the bad decals more which is fine as they were ruined anyway.
I used pastels at first but they wipe off when dried. I took a paint brush and cut the c**p out of it. I used Testors Model Master Acrylic “Rust” dipped it in the paint and just “poked” (stipple) it all over the model. It looks awful until it dries and of course it’s all one color.
Pastel technique, it dries i take a toothbrush moistened a bit drag it over the pastels (I have gray pastels light grey to black and some dark yellow to rust brown)
When the toothbrush has picked up enough pigment I “flick” it all over and it splatters on the model. I’ve had these pastels for years and years but never used them 🙂
That pretty much it, the pastels tone down the solid rust color. When I do the other side I’m going to try paint thinner instead of water with pastels
It should be noted that im sure the real side bags and cowlings are fiberglass and wouldn’t rust 🙂
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.