Well, just about everything is ready. The interior is done. I added the scratchbuilt drawer unit, and I added two 1/35 bags to represent "go" bags. One is red and one is yellow, so they should be visible in the window. I sealed up all the decals with Future and they are now drying. The decal set also had license plates to add to the truck. They are peal and stick. You have to cut them out, but they work great. They are appropriate for the vehicle: they are Texas plates and they are "exempt" as they should be. When everything is dry, it will be time to put the SUV back together and call it done. Yeah.
3 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. Decals sealed with Future.
1. Homemade box for needed equipment, along with some 1/35 bags added for color. They have an acrylic base color, then drybrushed with oil colors.
1. Peel and stick decals worked well.