Spiros Pendedekas (@fiveten)
John vd Biggelaar (@johnb)
Today I took Cripes-A-Mighty III outside and took the pictures for the upcoming article. You should see how the foil finish looks in the bright sunlight ! I do think you will be pleased to see it in the headlines section. Thank you both for the kind compliments and for following along and also regularly commenting on this journal as you have been.
Stephen W Towle (@stephen-w-towle)
Thank you for your valuable insights. I think your assistance with this project has been invaluable with trying to decipher what we are actually seeing here, (especially with the "LOU IV" pictures). There have been times where I was "In the Zone" and I didn't take time to grab a few pictures because things were going so smooth. At other times I likely took too many and bored some with the tiniest details. Overall I tried to make this a learning experience for all of us, myself included. It was actually a lot of fun to go digging into the original pictures, and discovering the little things like the D Day stripes not being evenly spaced (or even straight for that matter). Having the Eagle Editions book to go along with the "Cripes-A-Mighty" decal set was extremely valuable. I must give a lot of the credit to them as well for gathering all the information they did and placing it in one place.
Yes it is crazy how the time has gone by. Three years sometimes seems like it was yesterday. Then there were some times that dragged on forever. Thankfully they are behind us now, and we are moving on.
We have had a lot of things happen to us over these past few years, that have caused these Mustang builds (and others) to be placed on a temporary hold. Life gets in the way of our hobby once in a while. Some of it was not good, like my wife's peritoneal cancer diagnosis with a 5 year survival projection at 39 %, my stepson's death, my mom suffering from advanced dementia, my back / neck pain problems and my several related spinal fusion surgeries, my melanoma fights (the joys of growing up in Florida and serving four years bouncing around inside Army tanks in the desert courtesy of Uncle Sam).
But we have had some good things happen too. I'm thankful that we are still alive. I'm thankful we have a roof over our heads and enough food to eat. I'm thankful my wife successfully made it through several surgeries of her own, 8 rounds of chemotherapy (as well as losing all of her hair), and her still being with us today. My back pain is definitely better than it was. It's not perfect by any means, but I'm a lot better off now than I was this time a year ago. My mom is finally getting the professional help she so desperately needed, help that we couldn't provide on our own, especially with our own physical troubles and ailments.
What I have learned from all of this, is that each day is a gift, and to never take anything for granted. It can all be gone in the blink of an eye. Love the ones you have that are close to you, and make each day count. Never forget your friends or where you came from. Live the good life as best you can, and always do the right thing no matter what, for someday you will meet your Maker. Some of us will meet him sooner than others.
With everything we have had going on, I still tried to make this journey with the Mustang builds informational, and have fun at the same time. This could not have been possible without the help from my friends. People like you. This is another thing I am grateful for. We have a wonderful community here on Imodeler, and I have made some good friends.
You should have seen the Mustang sitting outside today in the sunlight. It really "pops" with the foil finish. Today I took the pictures for the upcoming Christmas Day article while the sun was shining brightly, as we are expecting some colder weather and clouds in our weather forecast. So it was today or never as far as taking the outside pictures.
I think you will enjoy them. Today I also did some work on "LOU IV", and I will post it up next. Thanks again my friend for everything, and I hope to hear from you again soon.
George R Blair Jr (@gblair)
Thanks for the kind words and compliments my friend ! Today I finished with the various oil leaks and exhaust stains. I took the pictures for the Christmas Day article, and plan on posting the completed Mustang on the 25th. Your comments are the ultimate compliment, for this is exactly what I was striving for. I wanted a 1/32 scale miniature of the real thing, and this is as close as I can get. I'm sure there are others who could have done it a lot better than I, but I can say I gave it my best. There were some times where I was wondering why I was going through the extra time trouble and effort to re-do something if I wasn't happy with how it turned out. Now I'm glad I did. Having a compliment like this coming from a former US Air Force pilot is the ultimate in my book. Thanks again my friend.
Erik Gjørup (@airbum)
Thanks Erik !
Tom Cleaver (@tcinla)
Yes sir, it is hard to think it's been three years. Man it has flown by too. But there were some times that time seemed to drag on forever too. Fortunately this didn't feel this way when I was busy working at the bench. Thanks for the compliments Tom.
One down, one to go ! I made some progress on "LOU IV" today, so please stay tuned for another installment.