1/48 Hawker Sea Fury (Egypt, AMG kit)

Started by Martin Dytrych · 7 · 7 years ago · 1/48, AMG, Hawker Sea Fury, Work in progress
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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    At the beginning - I really had a moment, when I was thinking of scrap it and spent my time on some more seriously mentioned kit.
    My recommendation - don't buy this kit (wait for Airfix). It is bad, it is bad even for short run category. There is so few fun and so much to be fixed.
    I decided to finish it just for my private display, but I still believe in that finished kit will look better than I hope.
    So far, I did not give up! 🙂 The cockpit is quite poor, but when i scratchbuilt pedals and added some details and photoetched parts, it is not so bad.
    Resin wheelbay is nice - I would tell it is nice too much in comparison with the rest of the kit. The worst thing i found was that the part where wing are glued at the fuselage, was not leveled and wing was falling to left. I did not want to try to fix this issue with difficult fuselage rework, instead of that I cut whole back of the fuselage with rudder and roll it slighty to left to get opticaly better geometry of the plane. However, the cockpit is still slightly rolled on the right side...
    At this moment I work on filling and sanding all scratches to be able apply surfacer and also on undercarriage assembly.

    I did not get how they expected to assemble propeller, because it is impossible to glue propeller blades into correct position without some little rod in the centre, which levels them up (otherwise they will stick forward).

    More will come soon...

    13 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    Martin, I was wondering about this kit, and now I know, for which I thank you.

    I'm going to wait for Airfix, and I'm going to hold onto my old hobbycraft. We've obviously come a long way, but there's more to be done. I love the airplane, it's RN and British, and other folks used it, as well, so interesting markings, to boot.

    Good luck with it, I hope you persevere to the end. You'll be proud of yourself for what you've done, what you've overcome so far is amazing in itself. You are a patient man.

    And a determined one. Always a good thing.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    Also, your comment about "so few fun, so much to be fixed" sounds like the story of my life!
    With your permission, I'm going to use that! Maybe in Latin...

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    I finally got over all imperfections on the kit and started painting. It is the sign that finish is close.

    I started with gloss black GSI color - not sure if it is needed in this case, because I sprayed Vallejo silver over it. Btw. Vallejo Silver has perfect coverage ability, and have a real look IMHO. However - Vallejo is not compatible with my favourite Alclads, therefore I will not buy more color variants.

    Wheel bays and inner sides of Wheel doors are sprayed with duralalluminium with black and white/alluminium posthading + I added some dust imitation by spraying Tamiya's very thinned brown. All colors are dry after few minutes.

    Next steps will be to polish a bit silver cover, spray gloss varnish and use postshading and oils to separate panels with very decent filter on the surface - this is something totally new for me and it would be also experiment, because the goal is to reach "like a new" look, but not "like a toy" look for the plane.

    6 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Greg Kittinger said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    I'm really looking forward to seeing your filter and finishing look and process on this!

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Hi everybody,

    after few days of hard work on this kit it is done.

    Silver color is shadowed slightly with black to simulate uneven, bumpy surface. On top I applied oil colors as a filter. The aircraft should get well maintained, but not new look.

    I found some other mistakes of the kit:

    1. Wing stripes in the manual are incorrect - please check photo as reference

    2. Canopy glass was full of copper dust, I used the most clean one.

    3. Be careful with positioning of undercarriage - check photos as reference to find correct position of legs.

    4. Do not cut anything under the tail... just fill the hole as there is no arresting hook.

    11 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Here you can see some photos as a reference. I got them too late to fix mistakes ... 🙁
    Please note the correct stripes size and position. Also check arresting hook attachment housing size.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.