Aero L-29 Delfín at RIMPAC 2010, 1:48 (Eduard/AMK)

Started by Martin Dytrych · 44 · 3 years ago
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    Martin Dytrych said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    During waiting for cement drying on flaps and airbrakes where I found visible depressions - and wheels where I made some scratches during creating grooves, I painted wheels wells, covers and front leg.
    Wings are ready to be completed now and then also the rest of main body.
    I will just keep horizontal stabilizer separated until the very end phase because of simplicity of masking and painting.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Martyn @naviatik, that is some extremely well made additions to your OOB build! Superb work.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Now that is really an addition to the standard provided wells, Martin.
    Very impressive.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Superb work indeed, Martyn!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Same from me, looks great, Martin.

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    Martin Dytrych said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    The series of pictures showing the most common error of AMK Delfin kit - surface depressions.
    Fortunately, they are not many and they are easy to fix. On the other hand, fitting of all parts is absolutely accurate and I used putty just to double-ensure myself that it will stay perfect after the surfacer.
    I am working on wing and intakes actually which needed shape corrections - I will bring some pictures soon 🙂

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Martin Dytrych said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    I started painting with some smaller parts.
    Underside color was tricky stuff, I had to mix it by using 4 MRP colors.
    But it is almost perfect, on the other hand.

    Preshading is Insignia Blue,
    then some spots with template
    basic color
    light shade of basic color over the template
    light shade of basic color to fade out spots a little bit.

    it is very decesnt, almost invisible, but this is just display aircraft, not war machine.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    That is fine paintwork, Martin.
    Nice approach to get the correct color.

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    Martin Dytrych said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    I expected to be faster than I am.

    I found (and make by myself) some issues to be solved before starting bottom color.

    As always, I spent some minutes over the pictures and found some differencies between Eduard's guide and reality.

    I plan to post the complete guide to build just this variant at the end of this thread.

    Now back to the current status of the build.

    I installed pitote tubes - I found it is really bad idea to drill to finished leading edge... just do not do it. When I fixed the damage, I filled holes where some sensors had to be attached.

    Last modification was cutting off fuel tanks from pylons and making pylons look more realistic then.

    I found that these pylons are certainly in top Dark Grey color.

    I started with Surfacer as usual and polished all surfaces with Tamiya FINE compound.

    Then I sprayed preshading with MRP Insignia Blue and then I made stains with FX templates which have much more fine texture than 77propeller templates. Stains were Insignia blue, White and some places Basalt Grey.

    The final coat is mix of RLM78 and Russian Turquoise, some places with added white.

    It is really hard to me to take proper picture of such crazy color, I hope that you can see the effect.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    You've done an amazing job, Martin.
    Your research is excellent, too!

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Sorry it has been a few posts since I last checked in here, but such a lot to see then 🙂
    The color and the prep looks very good - congrats on a nice job there.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Under-shading really makes a difference and looks great, Martin (@naviatik). Can't wait for the topside colors.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Bottomside looks perfect, Martin.
    Curious how the topside will look like.

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    Martin Dytrych said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Already masking for 3rd color...
    I used a bit more constrast on medium grey, it will fade out a bit according to my experience.
    I think I will use some filters to tune the shade of this grey color, but I wanna do it when all colors are applied.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    This comes out perfect, Martin!