The goal for today was to add the small parts, do the very last painting, then do some light weathering. I wanted to leave the under-wing rockets and drop tanks off until the weathering was complete. I haven't knocked anything off the plane yet, but I don't want to tempt fate. I started with the weathering using an oil wash mixed using light gray artist oils and enough Odorless Turpenoid to make a thin wash. I spread the wash over the wings, and then used a clean brush to massage the wash, removing a lot of the wash and creating some texture in the paint. I kept the brush moving in the direction of the airflow. When I was satisfied, I added some darker gray to the wash and repeated the process. Then I added some even darker gray, and repeated the process. I finally added some black to the wash and repeated the process. For the last 3 washes, I didn't spread the wash over everything, but in random, selected areas. I did the same process of 4 washes over the fuselage, but I tend to brush the wash in a vertical direction. After letting the washes dry for a couple of hours, I added dots of a very light off-white to selected panels, blended the oils with a dry brush, and then cleaned the edges with a brush damp with Turpenoid. Then I added a couple of fluid leaks around the engine cowling using a rust red, applied very lightly and again blended with a dry brush. I quit here because I wanted a subtle weathering. I have never been subtle or restrained, but hopefully I have come close. Oils dry slowly, but the Turpenoid accelerates the process a little. I plan to give it 24 hours to dry a little, then add the last parts, and call it done. Final pictures tomorrow. Cheers everyone.
3 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. Starting point for today's fun
1. After the first light, general wash. The wash has collected in a few places, but they will all smooth out with a brush.
1. 4 washes, and 2 applications of full strength oils.