Thank you, Spiros, George and John for following this through to the end and for your generous words of support. I am happy that the techniques shown have been of interest to you.
George, after so-so experiences with stretched sprue and fishing line, I do all of my antennas now with EZ Line. In case you don't know it, it is made for railroad modelers for power lines and is super forgiving, in that its elastic nature allows you to accidentally snag it from time to time without breaking. As long as I use the technique shown, antenna rigging is not so stressful. I attach one end to the main mast first, preferably before attaching the mast itself to the model. When the mast is firmly glued on with EZ line attached, I stretch out the line with the jig and move the model itself to line up with it. Lots of control and a simple drop of glue to secure it. No need to hold it tight by hand. I trim off the excess later on with nail clippers.
Anyway, thank you for your kind words about the build. I hope you will stop by the Headlines section for a more complete photo set. The only thing about the GB is that by the time the complete model is posted it is almost to familiar to notice. 🙂