Found another photo of the TRD today, same source, Fortepan / MHSZ.
I started making notes about the custom decals/masks I need to make. The old registration letters are simple, but I will need a blue "Trener 6" sign, matching the blue from the livery. I believe that it is too complicated to cut, even with machines, so I need to see whether I can match a self-printed decal with the blue color. Same goes for the new registration, I have to match the red with the livery. It will be tricky, but I will see what I can achieve.
The original stencils are interesting too. It seems that the planes arrived with Hungarian stencils (or applied shortly after their arrival). However, I can´t read them on the photos, bit I have an idea what they say. I have seen a lot of planes from that period, and all of them used very similar wording on the stencils.
Eduard provides full stencils on the decal sheet, but almost all planes in the kit are Czech or Slovakian (or from the former Czechoslovakia). You can also buy a stencil aftermarket set from Eduard, and they provide both Czech and Slovakian stencils, in white and black. Not really helping my plans of building a Hungarian plane.
However, the instruction PDF is a huge help. I can see where the commonly applied stencils were, and what they said. I just had to type in the text to Google translate, and got the English translation. From that I can easily find the best (and most probably applied) Hungarian translation.
I can see on the photos that not all stencils were applied on that batch of Treners. There is nothing on the stabilizers, rudder and elevator. The wings and fuselage have the usual warning signs applied, but I don´t see any external power port or stencils in that area on the fuselage (neither the original T, or the restored MS version). Maybe it was an optional item.
If you wonder what the common stencils on a 226 were:
Czech - English
vonkajsi zdroj - external power
tu zdvinat - lift here
tu nezdvinati - do no lift here
tu netlacit - do not push
nedotykat sa - do not touch
palivo - fuel
olej - oil
neopirat sa - do not push or pull - I think the placing on the dorsal fin makes both correct, but I am not sure what the correct translation is correct here
tu nestupati - do not step
You can see their placing on Eduard´s instructions.