GWH 1/48th P-61 Black Widow "Nocturnal Nemesis" Build

Started by Walt · 104 · 3 years ago · 1/48, Great Wall Hobby, GWH, Nocturnal Nemesis, P-61
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    Walt said 4 years ago:

    After finishing my B-17 build, and getting close to the paint point of my Bf-110 I looked at my next project. I was torn between a 1/48 B-25J gun nose, or the 1/48 GWH P-61. Well after seeing Marcus Borges @mvtb, Monogram P-61 I just knew I had to build a P-61.

    I broke my own self imposed ban on purchasing new kits when I was a show and was able to get this kit with Quickboost corrected cowls, True Details Propellers and wheel set, Eduard photo etch and masks, and an Aires resin engine for $70 and then of course I purchased Zotz Venomous Widows Part II Decal sheet.

    I have built two of the Monogram P-61 kits in long ago when they were still relatively new. I enjoyed the builds, motorizing one of them for spinning props. Along the way I came to appreciate this beast of a plane and it's lethality.

    This kit looks to be very nice, with lots of detail, clean molding and comes with its own photo-etch also. I am aware of some of the issues with the kit like the cowls, props and landing gear, but with what I have in the box I think I should be able to put together a decent looking plane, and no one will mistake it for a P-38 I am sure. 🙂

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Eric Berg said 4 years ago:

    Walt: Looks like you got the revised, second edition.kit. I believe the kit props and canopy were corrected with this issue but not sure about the cowlings. You got a sweet deal on this one with all those goodies.

    Sign me up for the ride along on this one. Have fun.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 years ago:

    A lot of extras to be added, Walt.
    Looking forward to your building progress.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    This is a wonderful entry , Walt @luftwaffe-birdman!
    Looks to be a great kit and, with the extras you acquired, your skills will produce your usual masterpiece.
    Looking forward to it!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years ago:

    I'm ready to join the fun here - bring it on Walt!

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    Walt said 4 years ago:

    Well let the fun begin! Well sort of, I decided to start with the engines. As I mentioned the kit came with the Quickboost cowling correction set. I was excited to try them out because the kit cowling looked more like funnels than cowls.

    Oops it seems that the correction set doesn't fit the kit. The ID of the resin cowl where it attaches to the cowl flaps is 1.064in ( 27.03mm) but the plastic cowls are 1.100in (27.94mm) a difference of .036in or over 1/32in. (0.91mm). This is actually about or more than the thickness of the molded plastic.

    I also measured the height of the cowls, the resin is 0.025in (0.64mm) shorter then the plastic.

    The solution was one that I have used before, I just opened the opening of the cowl to match that of the resin and while the overall shape is less rounded it looks far better than an unmodified kit cowling and fits exceptionally well. It also cut the difference in height down by half.

    The engine itself builds up to a fairly nice representation, but it is glaringly missing the magneto and distributors on the forward case housing. I will make something that fill in that missing components.

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    Morne Meyer said 4 years ago:

    This is a great kit that will surely benefit from all the AM goodies. I know this will be a masterclass build. I will definitely follow this build !

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Pity that the resin did not fit, my friend @luftwaffe-birdman.
    Still, your remadial actions at the kit provided cowlings resulted in a tottally acceptable look.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 years ago:

    A little drawback, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    But you clearly managed to give it a great look after all.

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    Eric Berg said 4 years ago:

    Now we know GWH did not correct those cowlings but you certainly did. Off to a great start Walt. How do the props look?

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    Walt said 4 years ago:

    A quick update, I have the engines pretty much assembled, just have to lay in the sparkplug wires. I wanted to do the build with the flaps open.

    I don't like the look of the open flaps as molded. Looking at them, they look wrong open between the flaps like that.

    Typically when the flaps open there is a piece the fills in the void as the flaps open. So doing a quick search for P-61 Cowl Flaps led me to a wonderful page. This site is is documenting the decades long restoration to flying condition of a P-61. What an incredible source of detailed pictures and information. Including a picture of the P-61 Cowl Flap Ring...ready for installation.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years ago:

    Love your engine @luftwaffe-birdman!
    Nice catch on the inner fillets of the opened cowls!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 years ago:

    Very detailed engine, Walt.
    Any idea how you are solve those flaps.

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    Walt said 4 years ago:

    The engine is pretty detailed straight out of the box, I only added the distributors on top of the front case. For the inside of the flaps @johnb I will use small strips of thin sheet styrene plastic. I have some 0.005" (0.13mm) plastic. The strips will also add interest to the interior of the cowl flaps that is lacking in the kit molding. Actually once installed there are actuating rods and such in the real aircraft, but I have never been one for that kind of detail in a kit, reality is in scale you wouldn't see it any ways.

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    Eric Berg said 4 years ago:

    Walt B - I can certainly see why you would want to fill those gaps in the cowl flaps. I know Vector makes a corrected cowl and engine set for Monogram which looks perfect. I wonder if it would work for GWH? Or have you moved on with your own corrections? I found some helpful info over at the Kitmaker site.