It’s Kinda Like a Model, Right?

Started by Josh Patterson · 7 · 3 years ago · drone, G.I. Joe, Molotow, Sky Raven
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    Josh Patterson said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    One of my other hobbies in addition to model building is toy collecting. I don't go crazy trying to get it all but being a child of the 80's there were the big 3. Star Wars, Transformers and G.I. Joe. As my parents were not made of money I had to pick and choose. G.I. Joe was left out.

    Now as an adult I am filling in the (rather large) gaps in my Star Wars and Transformers collections. I have also been getting the G.I Joe stuff I thought was cool as a kid, which for me was the aircraft. My friend had the Cobra Night Raven which was the coolest! It was like an SR-71 with a manned drone and it was huge! This was finally added to my collection a couple years ago after which I found out there was an opposing variant from the Joe side in the form of the chrome plated Sky Raven. It is a bit on the rare side, even rarer with good plating but I finally got one today. The problem is for whatever reason Hasbro decided to release this version with out a drone which is complete bollocks to me. (Just like their Walmart re-release of the G1 Optimus Prime a couple of years ago. Without the trailer!)

    So here's where the modeling skill comes in. As I am not satisfied to just sit back and take it from Hasbro, I decided to remedy the situation and make my own from a spare Night Raven drone. The problem is how do you replicate a vacuum metallized finish? The answer came from my friends in the automotive modeling community and that answer is...MOLOTOW! I have all three sizes of the Liquid Chrome pens, but they also sell a refill bottle. The filler tip is removable and you can just stick the siphon tube of your airbrush right in the bottle so you don't waste any transferring to other containers. (Just be sure to prop it up so it doesn't tip over. The bottle is tall and skinny and it isn't cheap!) I did not thin it and it is thick enough that you can spray it on heavy (you want to do this) and it won't run. I only used one third of the 30ml bottle on this so you could probably get two or three really shiny planes out of it! I think the results speak volumes!

    7 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    This chrome plating "from a bottle" looks magnificent. It really brings out the details in the plastic.

    I have used the chrome pens they make, and they look great once dried. You just have to be very careful not to touch anything until it has had a lot of time to dry. Otherwise you will mar the surface and the shiny stuff disappears quickly... Where did you find the refill bottle ? Thanks in advance.

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    Josh Patterson said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    I got mine from Amazon. Hobby Lobby has the pens, but never the refills. Definitely wear a mask spraying this stuff. I have been hacking since I sprayed it three hours ago and I can still taste it. (Or is that the coronavirus?) I'll probably be a couple of weeks until I handle the parts. I sprayed some on a spoon so I'll know when they're safe to touch.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Happy to see such great results! I have been trying to get the refills retail, but the importer in Denmark do not want to sell to me. I have ordered a pair from a "local" shop in Denmark, but he cannot get them from the importer as they are not on the shelf. Hopefully they will turn up in a few weeks - I used the pen on a Legion Condor 109 and it turned out OK - airbrushed it would have been great!

    Looks like a black smooth surface is the one to go for to put it on. Thanks for sharing Josh (@jpatt1000)

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    The Molotow looks great, Josh (@jpatt1000). I have had a Molotow pen for a while, but I really had my eyes opened when I went to get a refill bottle. Wow. This stuff is really expensive, so I ration when I use it.

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    Josh Patterson said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    I don't think the base color matters. I sprayed some on a clear plastic spoon as a test and the final result looks the same.. I don't think it has to be smooth either. As I mentioned l laid this stuff on heavy. Maybe too heavy. There are several ribbed areas on the plane where the plastic is also textured. I had started to fill in that texturing!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 5 months ago:

    Nice result on this, Josh @jpatt1000!