Flaps and ailerons
Even though the LqS hadn’t dryed fully, I decided that a push was in order to get it ready for primer
And so some masks and flaps and stuff got into play. Zvezda will for some reason have the radiatorflaps closed and the flaps up. I had to open the radiator flaps
With a little help from a knife and LqS and a few hours in a jig –
they were persuaded to open. And after masking the engine and windows I glued all the parts in place
In order to mask the hole for the roof antenna, I cut a used cocktailstick and inserted it
As luck would have it, it had the perfect height to keep the tail airborne when inverted.
Of course that also means it is at present a nosesitter! (no worries, that is about to change once the gear is in place and the holdfasts are off)
And with the weekend approaching there may even be time for some more modeling the next few days