Thank you for the support guys.
Pedro @holzhamer, isn’t is just that now and then. I think with all the stuff you can buy you have to be very selective – and pay attention to the ones who do make an honest try to tell about their experiences. The White Metal legs MAY yet be useful if you have a load of resin in the plane, but generally the kit legs are fine to take some load.
Spiros @fiveten, it is always useful to check the latest research before you enter a scratchbuild solution.
George @gblair, they are expensive sometimes, but as I said the exhausts are one of the few cases where I find them useful. Usually resin exhaists will do fine, just not in this case. Regarding the use of photoetch, the recent influx of printed parts on decal paper is likely to be extremely useful. One of our mutual friends here has been using then on a build, and I have to say they are looking great, and are just so easy to use. I may have to look some up for some 109’s 🙂
Now, I promised some guns before I went into the garden today, so here we go;
- and a seat and other stuff
The kit parts are flat, but COULD be useable by some careful drilling (I have tried that once)
Resin parts are a lot nicer with cooling jacket details, though a lot will be hidden
Another option ar those nice Brass turned items that are available for many things
Here you have the three options. If you build anything with the guns sticking out it is worth considering wich to use.
The glass is another item that has been more or less neglected by modelers
The kit parts are often nive to use, but in order to make the cockpit more scalelike, vac formed can make it look a lot better – and they can save the day if the kit part gets damaged. The vac-formed here from Squadron are for the E-4, but I have some for an E-3 in a Falcon kit that actually has a lot og different versions of 109 glass. The squadron items are actually made by Falcon, but have now been discontinued. Quinto Studio is getting a move on vac-formed glass too.
Now, in danger of making this post too long, I shall show you a cockpit that really stands out
It is from SBS model, and combines resin and photoetch, and looks like it has been very well researched.
The sidewalls are very accurate
All that detail! And with an open hood (or a vacformed) it will all be visible
The floor and back wall has some very nice details too
And the seat is a lot more correct than any kit offering (it is available as a separate item too)
Just for fun, here you have a few different seats
Lots of different looks.
And finally a look at the photoetch parts. There are parts to fit Tamiya and parts for Hasegawa too!
It does not get any better that this! (that is, a prepainted IP may be better that making one yourself, but if you bought this AM kit why buy an extra IP?)
And with that I have cought up with the pictures for the 109 werke. Next up will be a send off of some of these kits to their own topics