Messerschmitt Bf109 E-3a, Swiss, Tamiya 1/48 FINISHED

Started by Erik Gjørup · 26 · 3 years ago · 1/48, Bf109, swiss, Tamiya
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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    And another one goes…

    While I’m at it – I started up another 109!
    This time it is the tried and tested Tamiya kit that gets the Swiss treatment. That involves removing some bumps, adding some lumps, and another stick, that’s about it. And some more thinning and drilling and scraping will take place.

    This is not a drill – oh, well it is – sort of.

    Drilling out the cooling intakes for the sparkplugs (I think they are)

    And opening up the upper cowl

    The upper cowl is open to let the air out, so that one needs a bit of thinning too, as it is already cast to stand proud.

    And those bulges had to go

    Sanded down and smoothened

    This was just a small teaser – more sanding and drilling and scrabing and a bit of sweat and tears to follow, I think
    next up the nose will be brought further to the desired finish

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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    Details details..

    As promised I get further down the path to a Swiss version

    Just checking..

    Checking if a etched latch makes a big difference. This is without…

    And with a latch added;

    It is an improvement. Worth it? – personal taste will be the judge!

    and along came the office

    Mostly kit parts as it is to be depicted with closed hood.

    Resin seat (remember – there are two in the pack from SBS!) and some thread for the pedals.

    I still need a proper stick – the swiss Ea has a spadegrip version.

    next up the spadegrip is fashioned and the fuselage assembled.

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    George R Blair Jr said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    Looking forward to the Swiss paint job. I have always liked the red background and white crosses.

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    George R Blair Jr said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    By the way, the latches look good and I suspect will be noticeable once painted. Although I appreciate this sort of work when others do it, I usually don't add this sort of ultra-small details to my models.

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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    Thank you for the words @gblair. I guess I will need some sort of therapy anyday now - this superdetailing stuff is a bit over the edge (but loads of fun)..

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    Greg Kittinger said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    Building 1/72 helps prevent my urge to do too much superdetailing! Yours looks great.

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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    fuselage is assembled and mated to the wing..

    You got to maintain an even strain..

    As they said in a movie.. (not involving 109’s though)

    And that is achieved with household items (as in mentioned movie – remember the broomstick in the Bell) – and tape

    left to dry - without household items

    Oh yes – I promised a spadegrip last time

    Fashioned from some jevellry wire that a friend gave me (tak @klavs1972)

    not right

    These Tamiya kits make some nice planes, but on this one the wing did not quite fit

    A plastic shim added.

    And problem solved

    • Still nedds some filler and stuff

    next up some filler and stuff..

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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 5 months ago:

    Filler and stuff..

    There were a few sink-marks that needed filler, but nothing major.

    I still had a lot of sanding and finishing to do, so the small amount of extra filler really did not take time on top of all the detailing.

    Cockpit testfit

    All very nice – the Tamiya glass is really something! (OK – I do have some vac-form canopies somewhere, but that will be for a later build)

    Holes here, holes there

    Now, the needle in the vice really has been working overtime, and still a lot of cleanup to follow, but you can see where it is all going.

    until next time – stay cool

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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Easy painting?

    These Swiss “Emils” are either just two colors, or three if you choose the more complicated version with two greens on top.

    I have chosen the one with a single layer of green RLM71, and in order to get that finish, I start with RLM65 (Xtracolor gloss)

    In the second picture you can see that I stopped early, and will build up the finish by several thin layers (get-there-itis on the mend?)

    As I wait for one layer to dry, the frames get a treat of brushed Testors acrylic RLM02 so that it can harden off before gloss enamel is painted on top of it

    While the screws/rivets are a bit large, they will be reduced a bit by layers of paint, and the Tamiya glass is still some of the nicest around.

    And the holes had a cleanup, but so far no glue to smoothen them – I have to think a bit if I want that – but not for long, as the upper paint is creeping closer!

    Let me know what you think – can it improve a lot or is it wasted time to “glue-smoothen”?

    I suppose it will take a tiny bit before next installment on this one – perhaps even around decaling time as I do not guess you really want to see paint dry. . . .

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 12 months ago:

    Some paint has dryed now

    I painted the belly RLM 65, it dried and masked for white

    I suppose 5 months is sufficient drying time?

    While the first layer of gloss white was painted, I decided that I will try to paint the red/white crosses.

    A lot of masking, and I got to try my new compass cutter – great tool! I learned that primer is a good thing – the gloss white Humbrol was rather easy to scratch. One more lesson learned I think.

    Next might be some more paint - red, or perhaps RLM 70 – oh and the belly needs some touchup

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Back up

    Now, when the vinyl masking tape came off, it took the white paint too!

    That may be because I did not prime, but really I think it may have been the gloss white did not stick as well – it did scratch easily.

    I re-painted matt and masked, then matt red

    All that went well without primer (had to try), and now it is masked for some RLM70

    I think next post will be some paint before the relatively few decals that need to be added

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Looks great. I have occasionally had trouble with paint sticking, but I think it is because I failed to clean the model before I painted. I usually wash the model with water and dish soap after I finish sanding and filling, or sometimes I wipe it down with alcohol. If I have problems, it is always when I pull the first layer of masking off. The red and white of the Swiss markings looks awesome!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    @gblair - I also find that dust is attracted to the gloss - may have to vacuum one day. . .

    Here you have the next post - comin' right up any minute now!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    Watching paint dry

    nahh – that took place in the box, but here you can join me watching decals dry!

    First a look at the RLM70 (xtracolor gloss) with the masks still on

    You can just make out some of the painted “decals” under the layers of tape and paint. Exciting isn’t it . . . .

    OK- fast forward and the masks came off, the belly has been re-visited with RLM65 as there was an unfortunate masking error.

    Here you have the decaling in progress – most stencils and stuff is Tamiya, the rest is LF models’ swiss E-3 part II. This is my first go at this type – where the decal is printed on a full carrier film. I have noticed others have said it is difficult to work with, and yes – it does demand a bit more precision, but buckets of micro set helps.

    And with that set aside to dry before a batch more is waiting to get added to the plane.

    Oh yes – impress your cat – find the error in one of the pictures!

    I haven’t done huthin’ gov, no sir, it was all messed up from the factory sir, I swear. Honest. Please.
    The award this time is a pat on your shoulder, administered by your self. But let us hear the result – is the cat impressed?

    next a final go at repairs to the paint and the last details before the grand reveal

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    Guess the error contest? Is the symbol on the nose backwards? :o)