Nakajima Ki.84 Hayate (Frank) 1/32

Started by Colin Gomez · 67 · 1 month ago
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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    I have had almost no time for modelling this year, but have returned to some shelved projects recently to get back into the hobby. Here is one project I had not posted any pictures of yet, although I had done a lot of work on it already. I decided to use limited photo-etch on the interior for this build. I used the etch seat from the Eduard set with some details for the floor and throttle quadrants.

    , , , Otherwise, I painted all kit details carefully and used punched out kit decals for the instruments, rather than the Eduard IP. , , I think they look quite good, each with a drop of future to simulate glass covers. The seat belts with no shoulder harness are from the Eduard set.

    Did work on wiring the engine as well


    Finally, I riveted the entire model top and bottom, using detailed scale plans.,

    , , , , , ,

    The last photos show masks applied for the yellow ID panels on the leading and trailing edges of the wings and the preliminary shapes for lightning strike markings for 50th Sentai based in Cambodia. No decals available for these markings so I will have to make my own masks.

    , , , , . I have added a couple of images of detail bits in the works, including the silly putty method for masking the inside of the cowling and the blue spinner. , , One final image of the aircraft I am working on. The shape and size of the 50th Sentai lightning bolt is very much subject to interpretation, for various reasons. I am making mine slightly larger and differently positioned than the one in the profile. The compromise helps it line up better with the 3d shape of the tail and rear fuselage, different than what you can do in a flat picture.

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    Jay Mitchell said 4 months ago:

    The work you’ve done on it so far is amazing… the engine is especially detailed. It’ll look great when you get it finished, of course it already is looking great.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months ago:

    Nice usage of the silly putty, Colin @coling
    Good progress.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months ago:

    Excellent progress and fantastic looks so far, my friend @coling!

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    Michael Ezat said 4 months ago:

    Excellent return @coling , that's the spirit : stay in and never give up !

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Jay. I hope to so some more painting this week. First the white base for the lighting bolts. After some masking, I will do a pre-shade mottle for under the main camo colors.

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, John.

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Spiros.

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Michael.

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Some more work done. Plenty of masking for the front anti-glare panel.

    Tweaked the position of the lighting bolt and secured it fully for painting. I also attached the rear part of the canopy only and masked it carefully. The first bit of airbrushing was to paint that area of the canopy frame colour 50/50 Gunze JA Grey and OD #1. I can't attach/paint rest of the canopy until the upper surface colour is close to done - this is because of the way the anti-glare panel meets the windscreen. Anyway, I did a black-basing overall with a mix of Tamiya German Grey, Red Brown and Flat Black, including some areas in straight Flat Black. I then followed this with a marbling effect using Flat White. Finally sprayed a first layer of Gunze JA Grey lightened with Flat White on the under surfaces. I will have to do a second coat as the pre-shading really darkened it. Gunze paints are very transparent. At least the marbling came through nicely, which was the idea at this point. I also sprayed the prop tips for a full afternoon of airbrushing. I will probably paint the wheel wells and mask them before doing another layer of Gunze JA Grey underneath. It depends on whether I do them in natural metal or aotake. The last pic shows the marbling pre-shade on top. I will probably add to the complexity of this with finer squiggles. You can also see where I removed the masks for the lighting bolts and hinomarus. This marks them out to be filled in with flat white shade one. Preshading the boundaries with masks will make spraying and further masking easier and more accurate. So, that's it for progress this weekend. Will post some pics elsewhere of a Tamiya Spitfire IX I am also working on now.

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    George R Blair Jr said 4 months ago:

    You are really moving on this one, Colin (@coling). I know what you mean about having limited time to work on models. I'm retired and still have a bunch of stuff that pops up and steals my modeling time. Nice work on the PE seat. Mine never come out looking that well. All of your riveting work will certainly pay dividends on the final model. I have never quite got the technique right to do rivets, so I only replace small areas lost to sanding. Doing a whole plane is really cool. Looking forward to the rest of the painting.

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, George. It is good to get a bit of hobby work done. I won't retiring for awhile - too much to pay for still! Rivetting definitely requires patience, but my Rosie the Riveter tool is really reliable. I use Dymo tape and a steel rule to press in the rivets. I also use a pencil and calipers to map things out first and avoid mistakes. Good music passes the time and calms the nerves in what is a long process.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 months ago:

    Excellent job so far, my friend @coling!
    Count me also in for having limited time to work on models.

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    Colin Gomez said 4 months ago:

    Thanks, Spiros. Even the bit of time I can take is a great stress reliever.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months ago:

    You're doing some really nice work on this one, Colin @coling