Polikarpov Po-2 1/48 ICM-Eduard, post-war civil version, Hungary - FINISHED

Started by Csaba · 222 · 3 years ago
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    Csaba said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    @gblair, well, this required straight lines only, very simple to cut. Most of the time went into research, design, and a few test prints on paper. The actual work (cutting, placing the masks, and painting the wing) was done in 2 hours. It is a very satisfying feeling to do something like this., you should try it on a simple project.

    I did similar masks before, but this was the first time designing them on a computer. I plan to use this technique on future projects with more complex shapes.

    On this model, the main challenge has been optimizing the biplane building process. I still have a lot to learn here. For example, I decided to glue the photoetched turnbuckles on the model before painting - I think that was a mistake, I have already broken two of them.

    Thanks, @airbum, @johnb. @fiveten - yes, this model will definitely pop out on my shelf among the camouflaged military planes.

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    Csaba said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    It is warm here... Probably you guys living closer to the equator will laugh about the Danish "heatwave" of 28C, but it will feels warm. I am used to much higher summer temperatures, but I think after many years spent here I got used to the northern climate. Also, our living room looks southwestern direction over the backyard of the apartment building, and most of it is covered by concrete blocks. It works like a chimney, the hot, humid air is channeled directly into our living room. My desk is right next to the window... So, no modelling for this week, next week will be off with family. Maybe after that I get time and proper weather.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Nice to hear from you, my friend @pikofix! Yep, a really hot environment is not the ideal condition for modeling.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    That is not a real nice condition, Csaba @pikofix
    Not very usual for Danmark.
    To me, in the Netherlands, temperatures above 25 degrees start to feel uncomfortable.
    Just too much humidity in combination with hot air.

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    Csaba said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    I started working on fading the paint. I have a small box of oils, mixed brands, mainly W&N Winton and Royal Talents Van Gogh.

    Yellow as main color is a challenge for many reasons. You need multiple layers and it is difficult to achieve nice weathered looked. Most of the yellow models look a bit “flat”, and basically all of my previous attempts with yellow had this problem as well.

    This time I decided to try fading with oil paints. I mainly used white and white mixed with different yellow oils. You can see the difference between the middle and outer sections of the wings. Maybe a bit too strong, but it is an experiment. Let’s see the final result.

    On the rudder I added red, and that was a huge mistake. For some reason I was unable to remove or blend the red paint. There are still red marks visible, and I will need to address later somehow. In worst case I have to repaint the whole part. :/

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Love your fading and "livening up" techniques on the yellow, my friend @pikofix!
    Yellow is one of the most challenging colors for me: difficult in everything!
    Your results are super here, the rudder being a lot to my liking: even if "left as is", it is looking great.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    This paintwork looks superb, Csaba @pikofix
    Your work, especially on the yellow is well done.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    I am still in awe of your masking and painting, Csaba (@pikofix). I am not sure if you have tried this, but when I use artist oils I usually brush some clean, odorless turpenoid or similar before I add the oils. This helps the blending and keeps the paint from absorbing into the paintwork.

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    Csaba said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Thanks George, @gblair. I try to get something new out from each project, this was mainly about the masking. Thanks for the tip, I will try it next time.

    Thanks Spiros @fiveten and John @johnb. I managed to save the rudder, just needed a bit more white spirit and a cotton swab.

    I will do the oil paint again tomorrow, and then let it paint for a week or so.

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    Csaba said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    3 weeks without update… I have many reasons, kids started to sleep terribly, work is draining my mental energy, Erik started a SAS group build here on iModeler and that got my attention. Anyway, I made most of the oil fading, it dried, but I have to go back and do repairs with my airbrush on one of the wings. I noticed tiny small dots all over the surface, probably an overspray when I painted the black details. I am still collecting energy for that step, but in the meanwhile I finalized the decal design. The lower wings had the same size and style of the registration as on the fuselage, but different distance between the characters. I did a few measurements in Inkscape on the reference photo showing the lower side of the plane, and calculated the 1:48 scale dimensions.

    The final test was “very sophisticated”, I taped the test print onto the wing, zoomed the reference photo on my display to match the size of the 1:48 model, held up the half assembled Po-2 in the same angle and compared the two. 🙂 Luckily, my test print matched the reference photo perfectly. Inkscape is my new favorite modeling tool!

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Always great to learn how to use new tools Csaba. I simply has to dig into that tool as well.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Good to see you restarted on this one Csaba @pikofix
    Never used Inkscape, but like Eik said, great to have new useful tools available.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Nice use of Inkscape, @pikofix!

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Glad to see you working on this again, Csaba (@pikofix). I have never heard of Inkscape, but it looks interesting.

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    Ronnie Olsthoorn said 3 years, 5 months ago:

    Very cool you went for a civvy scheme. Looks excellent so far.