Jay Mitchell (@ssgt)
Looks like you have made some considerable progress with your 105. I can remember seeing a camouflaged F-101 Voodoo sitting at the edge of the Daytona Beach International airport way back in the early 1970's. Then one day it was gone, it simply disappeared and I never knew (or heard of) what happened to it.
It's good to see these Vietnam era planes being saved / restored. Way too many of them ended up being targets. I was stationed at Ft. Bliss during the mid 1980's and on occasion when we were out in the desert in our tanks, we would see an explosion in the sky not too far from White Sands. They were regularly testing missiles and they used flying aircraft as targets. I don't think they ever missed either...
Seeing you work your magic on this Monogram kit gets me thinking about maybe sometime in the future, of starting another group build called "Century Series". I have a considerable stash that I could build for the group if / when that time comes.
Just something to think about.
I'm definitely looking forward to your next update. Keep it going my friend.