Scooters double build: A-4E and A-4F in 1:48, Eduard (Hasegawa)

Started by Martin Dytrych · 39 · 5 years ago · 1/48, Eduard, Hasegawa, Scooters, Skyhawk, Vietnam War
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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    I usualy work just on one kit, but at this special occassion, when I got second "Scooter" as iModeler award, I decided to build both together, each one in different version. After few days, I must say it looks OK and everything goes well.

    I started with cockpit, after surfacer coat I sprayed Tamiya 50 % Dark Sea Gray + 50 % White, then shaded with lighter shade in the middle of flats and with darker shade in corners.

    Side panels are lightly oversprayed with "almost black" - just to get dark look, but not black. I did not darker the panels with same overall intensity, but I created darker and lighter areas to reach better look.

    Details are painted with water based Vallejo acrylics for brush. Corners are highlighted with diluted black acrylic. The dirty floor in front of pedals is sprayed with diluted Brown. Some scratches were added with acrylic black pen. In case of too high contrast I used finger to lower it.

    Inner fuselage sides are just sprayed with basic color, then shaded with very diluted black and finaly the lines highlighted with black acrylic (painted with brush).

    I will paint the rest of details with acrylics.

    The build is quite straightforward, there are no difficulties, it is just important to save excellent Hasegawa panel lines and riveting as much as possible.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    Martin, off to a great start! Favorite kit and aircraft of mine. Are the aircraft consoles drybrushed?

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    No dry brush anywhere, just acrylic painting. One side of fuselage is stil without a lines highlighting just for comparison.

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    Both cockpits are done as well as intakes and exhaust. I am closing fuselages, everything fits perfecly. There are just few places to be filled at junctions - something you almost never can avoid.
    This week I plan to complete fuselages and wings - there is small step between slots and wing surface, which has to be leveled. More photos will follow this week.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Bebout said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    very nice Martin

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    Johannes Gerl said 7 years, 10 months ago:

    That looks extremely nice, Martin. Can't wait to see more ...

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Guys, small progress, fuselages on both versions are glued together and wing for F version is almost done. E version is still waiting for final sanding of flap section...

    The most mistake of the kit is leading edge of the wing - The wing should have no step between flap section and the top of wing surface, there should be smooth profile... So I decided to not skip this and fix it... It took some time. Also cleaning of fuselage join was not so easy...

    However, it is still excellent kit and there was almost no other additional work needed.

    For F version I bought some extra photoetch set including very nice details in wheelbays and complete brakes. Now I am trying to put all antenas and small parts on to main body and complete small parts before painting.

    After this (or beside this...) I will continue with E version.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Bernard E. Hackett, Jr. said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Martin, those photoetch parts really add something. Much better than I'd suspect. I may have to rethink my brass bending phobia. Shaping up to be a beautiful pair of builds. The cockpit is really fine painting, literally and figuratively. Well done!

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Bernard, in case you don't like photoetch part, then skip these brakes, may be you can use just covering plate to get better look. The rest is easy to apply. I am not photoetch fan - too many lost parts, too little, sometimes nobody knows there is photoetch.. But sometime there is no other - relatively cheap - option (Flaps, brakes etc...)..

    Does anybody have a rear photo of exhaust nozzle? There are two parts to be added to each side of nozzle cover, but I don't know what it is nor how it should look... I just noticed many Skyhawks without it... I found only this one photo, but there are some covers mounted additionally.

    I would like to see how it is paintet, if there is a hole etc... Thank you

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Johannes Gerl said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Hi Martin. The pe parts come out very nicely.
    You mention that you glue on the antennas and small parts before painting? I wonder how you do that. If I did, it would be hopeless to get away with it. I always had them broken before the build was finished. I have now started to glue them on at last using Tamiya Extra Thin Cement, the one with the light green cap, but that of course has a huge potential for desaster.

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Hi Halvar, yes there is always a risk of breaking something. I glue them with that Tamiya cement too, and that one is the best, because the connection is not fragile like you would use cyanoacrylic glue.

    I am trying to be very careful and add these tiny parts as the last ones, when everything else is done - so no more sanding nor riveting or panels renewing should be done. Sometimes i break something. It happened and it will happen again one day again 🙂 However, I started to believe in my skills and I know I am able to create most of lost parts if some disaster comes. evergreen profiles, sheets and metal tubes are a must, but sometimes the new part is better looking than original from the box 😀

    And I have one big help - adjustable modelling stand made by JH models. With this feature the risk of breaking of losing something is minimized.

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    Johannes Gerl said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Jep, using this one too and I agree it's an excellent product.

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    Greg Kittinger said 7 years, 9 months ago:

    Very nice work so far!

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 6 months ago:

    After a break the Scooter is back on the table. I did a little change in priorities and decided to finish A-4E version first and then A-4F. This decision came one month ago, when our club gained a plotter for cutting masks. So I was creating masks and finally I have them home ready to try.

    I also had to solve few imperfections on the kit - rear fuselage and the wing-fuselage fitting.

    I want to start painting still today, so the pictures here are to show all the places which did not fit and you should be careful there. Also the refuelling probe has been repaced by brass rod plus I replaced the last section with metal one.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Martin Dytrych said 7 years, 6 months ago:

    Good start, small correction would be needed, but the masks work well.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.