I didn't quite hit my goal, but still not a huge amount left to do before some paint can finally be put on this big bird.
Firstly, the crew were painted. Not my best work, I may do some extra highlighting to make it look a bit more varied than green, it's pretty shiny due to the wash but I think I'll give it a matt coat later on.
The ejection seats were also played around with, they're almost finished but require two major pieces being the striped pull handles (which, naturally, is a pain in the rear to paint), after that they'll recieve a wash, some decals, and maybe a few handles and such painted different colours.
The canopy has been test fitted, I tried to paint the front glass a slight green/blue tint but wasn't able to. One interesting tidbit of information I discovered (but haven't verified if true) is that the design of the front glass of the F-14 allowed it to be extremely strong at high speeds, whereas the better visibility of the F-15 means that it can only go at its top speed for a limited time before the front glass begins to take considerable damage. Again, not sure if this is true, but interesting if it is! Regardless, painting the colour with the airbrush only caused issues and trying to remove it also caused issues, it needs a bit more cleanup.
The next step is to clear coat the crew, finish the seats and then button everything up. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow and get paint on by Wednesday at the latest, we shall see.