Evening folks, a few updates to share.
Firstly thank you for the feedback, I ended up toning down some of the weathering a tad, not a clean as the photos but not as noticeable as before. I also notably painted the upperside of the fuselage in its Blue-Grey with the previous weathering method, and then today spent far too long masking and gave it a black roof.
As you can see, the underside weathering was toned down particularly in the areas it was the most heavy which was by the Sparrow racks and the engines. I also toned down some of the parts that were far too much white.
The upperside got the same treatment as before, base then lighten then darken then base. This turned the extremely over the top panel lines from this:
To this, which is more reasonable.
And of course the black canopy and such. I was originally planning on painting the parts of the tail on the fuselage black as well as the 'fins' under each engine, but it took me way too long to mask the canopy to the right shape so I've painted this and will do the other parts another time. I used MRP black for this which is, unsurprisingly, really good to work with. I also noticed I gave the F-14 an extra antenna that the A has, but the B (at least this particular one) lacks, so this was quickly cut off and sanded down leaving some white primer showing. This'll be repainted later.
Next up is to paint the wings and elevators, as well as the rest of the black on the fuselage. The vertical stabilisers will be painted yellow where needed and then recieve the black but that's likely to be a later job.
4 additional images. Click to enlarge.