The goal for today was to cement all of the internal sub-assemblies into the fuselage, and then close it up.
First, I added the passenger windows to the right side of the fuselage. I had previously added all of the windows on the left side using white glue followed by a layer of Future to hopefully keep the windows from getting loose and going astray in the fuselage. For the right side, I added each window and then placed a dot of Tamiya clear liquid cement in each corner. When this was dry, I examined the windows and noticed that the right side windows had gaps in either the top or the bottom of each pane. Apparently the windows are slightly smaller north and south than the opening in the fuselage. I had just gotten a new product in the mail by Deluxe Materials that is designed for canopies, and is supposed to dry crystal clear. I used it to fill the gaps.
I had previously pre-fitted the parts to make sure they would fit in the fuselage. 99% of the models I have ever built have you attach the various components to the right fuselage half, and then close things up. I thought it was interesting that Revell has you attach everything to the left side, then close the fuselage. Not a big deal, just interesting. I glued the fuselage halves together without any drama, and then taped and clamped everything together while the glue dries. I left the upper joint forward of the canopy as directed by the instructions. I still have a 1mm gap in this location, which is apparently the reason Revell wants you to add a 1mm strip in the gap. The instrument panel is attached to the fuselage by a triangular piece on the top of the panel. Anticipating some shaping in the area due to the 1mm strip, I left the panel off until I can test-fit and insert the 1mm strip. Once the strip is in, I will have to shape it to accept the instrument panel.
This is my guide-dog for the next two kits, so I plan to pause the build on the first Hudson until I get the other 2 built to this same place. Once they are all at the same place, I think I can build them all together.
More tomorrow. Cheers.
9 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. Windows in place. Future added from behind.
1. Notice the gaps above and below all of the plastic windows.
1. Gaps filled in all windows.
1. One last look at the interior before getting sealed in fuselage.
1. Initial test fit. I tried not to do anything that would flex the window area.
1. I think the scratchbuilt components I added will look OK once the rest of the glass is on.
1. Glue applied and fuselage halves joined.
1. I don't plan to add the 1mm strip until I build and test the fit of the nose.