Tamiya 1/12 Porsche 935 Martini Turbo

Started by Cricket · 150 · 9 months ago
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    Michael Ezat said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    It looks very promising !

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    Stephen Booth said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    Apologies for the delay in commenting. I've been away. No, not serving jail time, down south, on a mercy mission for a friend.
    Those decals turned out great!
    I can't see any flaws at all?
    Sometimes, we're our own worse critic?
    I'd personally give myself a pat on the back, and get it finished. Then you can have a breather, before the next one 🙂

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @faraomike Thanks Mike, its’ not to bad, could be better 🙂

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @bozer Thanks Boz. Decals could have been a lot better if u saw them close up they look awful :). Good deal on mission of mercy

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @brithebuilder @johnb @fiveten @ssgt @jdtruby @clipper @gblair @epinac @chinesegeorge @bozzer

    Well it’s finished, haven’t shot real good phots yet and still trying to figure out how to set up a display, the lat pic is one idea. We have bad weather moving in Tuesday through Wednesday so I’m not sure when I can set up for a photo shoot…meanwhile here are some teasers :). The body is just sitting on the chassis, I tried to get it down over the front but was afraid that I would break something or never get it off again. It was meat to have the front clip installed after the rear was on the chassis, but I glued it all together

    While messing around with it I went over the instructions again and Tamiya recommended using a hot damp cloth to hold over the decals and the wrinkles would flatten. SO I figured what the heck. I use a soft paper towel at first but it wanted to stick to the decal. Next I tried one of those microfiber cloths for cleaning glasses and it worked great. I wish I had know while I was applying the decals yesterday. I dont use a decal solvent except at the very bottom where the decal meets the rocker panel. Worked ok. I also found in my stash a bottle of Tamiya “Mark Fit” which is their decal solvent. The Porsche badge fell off so I tried it and WOW…I’m sold but it’s really expensive and hard to get here…I think

    Anyway, here are the teaser photos

    And finally the one idea of a display set-up .. but i dont know yet

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    George R Blair Jr said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    Looks like you could hop in and drive it away, Cricket (@bikequeen). Awesome model inside and out. I think the weather you are expecting was here Saturday and Sunday. Lots of rain, and a couple of tornadoes west of here.

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    George Williams said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    It looks great in the photos, Cricket @bikequeen. I’ve used Tamiya Markfit for ages now, it’s a matter of availability, reliability, and familiarity as far as I’m concerned, if you use someone else’s product on a Tamiya kit then you have no comeback, that’s what I think anyway. Hope the weather isn’t too bad.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    What an amazing finish, Cricket @bikequeen
    Opened up it will show a lot of those excellent details, looking forward to what your final idea will be.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    Fantastic result, my friend @bikequeen!

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @chinesegeorge well once again George it’s new to me, and I like it, plus it is readily available from where I get all my paints etc etc. and, I applied it to the surface then laid the decal on it and didn't apply any on top and it sucked right down. I didn't use solvent at all on the rest of the kit except that small part near the rocker panel. I tried it on the hood and was a total disaster. These are Cartograph decals which personally I love.

    Please keep in mind that although I have been building models on and off for decades it’s only been in the last 2 and half years that I have discovered new techniques and products. I thin. Have done pretty well for myself

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @johnb thank you John, final idea still up in the air, have ot get through this weeks weather before I even think about it 🙂

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @fiveten thank you Spiros…mile to go before I sleep on this one 🙂

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    Michael Ezat said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    Well done Cricket, your hard work is being rewarded handsomely, as well as your impatience. Personally I would prefer it in one piece as a replica of the real thing just with the hoods and doors open. Of course, the final decision is entirely yours.
    What a good result indeed !

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    Cricket said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    @faraomike I have one I did 2 years ago Mike, it’s no where near as nice…I will dig up a photo….now it’s on the the Pocher Ducati 🙂

    Here is the first one i did 2 years ago…no where near the quality and detail of the new one

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 9 months, 1 week ago:

    Still a fine looking one, Cricket @bikequeen
    Actually, both do look nice.