Made some progress today on the Bearcat. At the tail there is a lump of plastic that is suppose to depict the tail hook. It really just looks like a bulge.
Therefore, I sanded it off and made a home made tail hook out of scrape plastic and inserted it instead.
Seems to be a somewhat more realistic representation of the real thing. After painting I'll also add a tail navigation light.
Also lacking was a landing light but it's shape is represented in the left wing. It's either the landing light or a gun camera, I'm not sure.
So I cut it out and glued some clear sprue in the opening and when dried sanded and polished it flush with the wing.
Did the same for the nav lights as well. Went through the spares box and found a gun sight and glued her in as well.
Spent some time going through some of my aviation books and found a good pic detailing the antennas that were used and their placement, so that mystery has been solved.
Should be applying some paint shortly.