The 1/48 Database at iModeler

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1/48 scale modeling

1/48 Hasegawa F4U-4 as Tom Hudner’s airplane

One of the most poignant tales of the Korean War is that of Lt.(j.g.) Thomas J. Hudner, Jr., and Ensign Jesse L. Brown, Jr., fellow Corsair pilots in VF-32. Their story is inextricably woven into one of the greatest tales of Americans in [...]

Tamiya 1/48th Scale F4U-2, “BLACK GEORGE” VMF (N)- 532, South Pacific, 1944

This is the Tamiya F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair, built with the optional conversion parts to do an F4U-2 Night Fighter. It's the third 48th scale WWII Pacific Fighter i've finished, dating back around mid 2007. It's also the first model i [...]

USAF Thunderbolts Part 2P-47D22 "Miss Behave"

This is my 1/48 Tamiya P-47 D 22 Thunderbolt (Miss Behave) finished on the markings of 82 nd FS, 78 th FG, 8th AF based at Duxford - England in November 1944 I built it several years ago OOB except for the Eduard seat belts. I've used a [...]

USAF Thunderbolts Part 1 P-47D28 “Rat A Dat"

This is 1/48 Tamiya P-47D28 Thunderbolt with the markings of 353 rd FG, 8th AF based at Raydon-England, during the late summer of 1944. ( Rat a Dat was flown by Lt. Ken Gallup ) Cockpit modified by Eduard PE intstrument panel, seat belts [...]

Since I can't build for awhile while getting unpacked a Ventura.....

VPB 150 built from the newish 1/48 Revell kit. I really enjoyed the build EXCEPT for the bomb bay doors! Other than that though great fit, a few mistakes on my part here and there. I bought aftermarket props and engines (can't remember [...]

Ben Hall's P-51

This is how this aircraft appeared in the 1964 season. Flown in a stock cofiguration. Tamiya 1/48. The "Seattle Miss" name & the Space Needle logo are homemade decals, the registration number is a dry transfer & [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47 D30 "TuAF Thunderbolt"

Here is my recently (and freshly) finished model. This is 1/48 Tamiya P-47 D30 Thunderbolt with the markings of Turkish Air Force (TuAF). The base kit is Tamiya’s P-47 M . It is built OOB except for Eduard seat belts, instrument panel [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 A-7E Corsair II

Here is my Hasegawa 1/48 A-7E 'Valions' . I had started this one back in '06 or '07 and when I got to the LE flaps I sort of ran out of steam with it so it sat on the shelf of doom until last year when I finally dusted it off and decided [...]

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1A Corsair – Ike Kepford

The kit itself is built OOB other than seat belts. The decals came from Cutting Edge and Aeromaster. I always find it suprising that airplanes as well-documented as VF-17's leading ace Ike Kepford's is keep turning up done wrong. [...]

My all time favorite build, Old Monogram Devastator.

Yellow Wings decals,fully rescribed and riveted, a lot of scratchbuilding in the interior, then just careful fitting and sanding to get a clean build. Haven't seen the Great Wall one, but I think these old legacy kits are a lot of fun and [...]