The Apollo Database at iModeler

10 articles
  • Items tagged with Apollo
  • 10 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 3 months ago

1/32 Monogram Apollo Command Service Module

1/32 Monogram Apollo Command Service Module New Ware decals and PE. Resin cockpit, seats, and astronauts. Cut off # 8 bulb glass for clear space helmets. Many detail elements sourced from spares box. Use of multiple types and textures of [...]

1/96 Saturn V – Revell

Hi, finally finished kit from Revell in 1/96 scale. I tried my best. It is not perfect and there are small differences with original rocket but Iam ok with it. Now it will be nice piece of decoration ? Smoke is pet bottle wrapped around [...]

Apollo 11 frog men at work

(link) OK, going up was all exciting, circling and landing on the moon was also exciting. Going back to Earth was exciting too. Then what? Interesting footage of the US navy frog men at work doing their best to secure the capsule and then [...]

Failure is not an option

After watching so many documentaries on the Mercury and Apollo programs a man can possibly take, I kept thinking of those über nerds in similar outfits of white short sleeved shirts and black ties. Who were they, what did they do? Was it [...]

New CSM, LM and S-IVB parts for 1/200 Apollo 11 LUT project

For the past few weeks I've usually gotten one more swing arm for the LUT up each weekend, with corresponding work to the pad base. But for the past several days the pad and the mobile launcher have taken a back seat to improvements to [...]

Saturn V Mobile Launch Tower – swing arms

I got back to work on the LUT yesterday, intending to complete some piping, continue work on the launch pad support stands, and start figuring out how to model the swing arms. The first two were straightforward, but the third involved what [...]

Saturn V Mobile Launcherhard stand support pedestals

Most Saturn V mobile launcher/LUT models use the LUT to show off the crawler/transporter that transported the complete stack from the VAB to Pad 39, as shown above. As handsome as this, I decided to show my LUT on the pad instead for two [...]

Saturn V Launch Umbilical Tower fueling pipework

The various pipes needed to fuel the Saturn V ran up Side 2 of the LUT, attached to a frame, as shown in the B&W photo of LUT #1 during construction (the foreground is LUT #2). I started working on adding this frame last week (closeup [...]

Progress on the 1/200 Saturn V Launch Umbilical Tower (LUT)

After several weeks off I finally got a day in the model workshop yesterday, which extended late into the night and several more hours this afternoon. While I made some progress on the 1/700 Hood and Arizona, the giant leap, to borrow a [...]

Apollo 17 Orange Soil December 12, 1972

This is the New Ware resin figure set depicting the discovery of the orange soil during the second Lunar traverse. Eugene Cernan is in the suit with the red stripes. Harrison Schmitt is in the plain suit and is holding the sampling tool. [...]