The Bf 109 Database at iModeler

480 articles
  • Items tagged with Bf 109
  • 480 articles
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  • Last addition 9 years, 10 months ago

Messerschmitt Bf 109

Eduard Me109E-1

Still working on my D-Day build, I've become stuck on the tricky fit of the cowls on the Eduard 190 kit, but in the meantime I built this Eduard 1/48 Mw109E-1 with Brassin engine, cockpit and radio bay (not that you can see muck of the [...]

Bf 109E-3 in Legion Condor (Spain)

My another one model of an aircraft used by Legion Condor during Spanish Civil War - Bf 109E-3 in 1/72 scale. This model is a "light" conversion from Airfix's 109E-4 - I've replaced canopy (vacuformed). Also I've used some parts [...]

1/48 Zvezda Bf-109F-4

Some claim the kit is "fiddly," but if you take care and follow the instructions, you won't use any seam filler. It's the most accurate Bf-109F in 1/48. Lifelike Decals 48-035 "Marseille Special" used, with Eduard [...]

Revell 1/32 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2, Finnish Air Force...

When I saw Rob Anderson’s May 24 posting of the old Revell box art for their 1/32 Bf 109 G “Gustav”, I knew I had to take a look at the model I built from that kit, with the thought of possibly posting it on iModeler. Here it is. I [...]

1/32 Bf 109G-6 of 8./Jg1, 1944

Here is the kit that got my on my large-scale building bing, the mighty Hasegawa 109G-6! I built this kit very soon after it came out back in 2002 and is still in my collection, along with 2 others I've built since. Yes the kit has a few [...]

iModeler Review: The terrible, no good, awful, fatally-flawed Eduard 1/48 Bf-109G-6 (not!)

Gerhard “Gerd” Barkhorn joined the Luftwaffe in 1937 and completed his pilot training in 1939. Flying combat with JG 52 through the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain in 1940, he remained scorelewss though he was shot down [...]

32nd Me109 G6

Hasegawa kit with MDC canopy and cockpit sets. This has been lurking in my stash for the best part of ten years before I gave it any attention! Rob.

Hasegawa Bf109F-4B

This kit was test field for my second riveting attempt. I was pretty satisfied with results. This build is from the period when I was afraid to weather the model because I was scared that I will ruin it all with it. So it end up pretty [...]

Review: The (not so) “Great 109Gate” Brew-Ha-Ha

As with most Brew-Ha-ha's (that's an alcohol-fueled argument anyone outside of it will laugh at) at Hyperscale, the Great 109Gate Whine is mostly "overscale" in the amount of hot air expended by people who don't know what they're [...]

1/48 Avia S.199 conversion

Today is May 15, the 66th anniversary of commencement of the Israeli War of Independence. In honor of that date... The Egyptian Army thought they would smash Israel in a matter of weeks following the outbreak of war after the May 14,1948 [...]