The Boeing 314 Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Boeing 314
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 1 month ago

Pan Am Boeing 314 Clipper

I originally built this 35 years ago, a little damage on the prop. The other models are mine also.

Boeing 314 Clipper 1/144

This is another ancient Airfix offering that has been on the "to do" list my whole life, I always loved the graceful lines of this aircraft even as a kid, it somehow oozes art deco,but as a young lad with limited spending money [...]

Boeing 314 Clipper, NC18605, Dixie Clipper Pan American Airways System 1943.

1/144 Airfix, OOB except for landing lights from clear sprue, finished in Humbrol, Revell and MM enamels with Future over kit decals. This aircraft carried President Franklin D. Roosevelt back from the Casablanca conference of January 1943.

Minicraft 1/144th Boeing 314A “Dixie Clipper”

This Minicraft kit has been around forever, under several brand names, (Airfix, etc.) It is a very simple kit, aout 73 parts, with little filling, and pretty good fit considering it's age. I have two. I had come across this picture from [...]