The Caribou Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Caribou
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 1 month ago

1/72 Hobbycraft DHC-4 Caribou- Goats, Chickens, Beans and Bullets

The C-130 Hercules gets all the glory for the role it has and continues to play in the arena of tactical airlift. Perhaps less well known but, not insignificant, is the humble De Haviland of Canida, Caribou. It is smaller than the 130 [...]

1/144 scale RMAF DHC-4 Caribou

Greetings to all members, This is another 1/144 scale build which is the RMAF vintage air transport the retired DHC-4 Caribou which was decommissioned in the year 2000. The model kit was used was A-Models which had many fitting and gap [...]

Review: 1/144 A-Model C-7B Caribou – Unboxing

Goodday to all , This is a brief video unboxing review of my next aviation project the 1/144 scale DHC Caribou from A-Models. I may start this around mid March of 2019. Thanks ! (link)