The Demon Database at iModeler

15 articles
  • Items tagged with Demon
  • 15 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 8 years, 6 months ago

Demonology, 1/72 F-3H-2

Jumping on the Demon bandwagon, this is my old build of Emhars F-3H Demon, I tried thinning the thick plastic by sanding it. I also used the kits decals of VF-31 off the Saratoga in the early sixties, part of Air Wing 3, The Demon was [...]

Emhar F3H-2M Demon 1/72

As I was responding to Tom Clever's post today of his older Demon build, I decided to post my 1/72 rendition of the Demon. I've built 2 Emhar kits, and only buy/build them because they are generally the only option (at least at the time) [...]

Grand Phoenix 1/48 F3H-2N Demon

A model I built and reviewed some 12 years ago. On May 21, 1948, the United States Navy issued a "Request for Proposal" to build a carrier-based jet day fighter. The Navy wanted an aircraft of equal or superior performance to the [...]

1/32 Scale SAAF Hawker Hartebees

Its been a while since I last posted one of my builds on the site, work and everyday life has been preventing me getting much build time, however, I managed to complete the Silver Wings Hawker Demon, and converted it into a 40 Squadron [...]

Grand Phoenix 1/48 McDonnell F3H-2N Demon

On May 21, 1948, the United States Navy issued a "Request for Proposal" to build a carrier-based jet day fighter. The Navy wanted an aircraft of equal or superior performance to the land-based jet fighters being built at that [...]