The Gannet Database at iModeler

18 articles
  • Items tagged with Gannet
  • 18 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years ago

Fairey Gannet - a British anti-submarine aircraft with a crew of three and double turboprop engine driving two contra-rotating propellers.

Airfix 1/48 Gannet!!

Airfix has announced a 1/48 Fairey Gannet. With a wing-fold option! Bye bye CA kit.

Classic Airframes 1/48 Fairey Gannet

A limited run kit with resin parts is a sure sign of ample dry fitting. Classic Airframes' Gannet is no exception. Yet. I like the looks of this big and rugged naval aircraft. The mold of plastic parts is basic. To add insult, the kit [...]

1/48 Fairey Gannet AS.Mk.1

This is the Fairey Gannet AS.Mk.1 from Classic Airframes. The decals are from XTRADECAL.

Sword 1/72 Fairey Gannet AEW.3

I thoroughly enjoyed this build. My second Sword kit and it went together really well. You need to take a little care but it's worth it. Primed with Tamiya Neutral Grey. Painted with ColourCoats Sky Type S, Extra Dark Sea Grey, FAA/RAF [...]

Lovely, not "ugly", bird

Hello, guys! I have rarely built post-war aircrafts, civil or military. This is the first post-war Royal Navy bird for me. I never believe the reputation that Fairey Gannet is one of the ugliest planes of the world. Although maybe not [...]

This for me was the type of kits...

This for me was the type of kits that you start with optimism and ambition for a nice build and end up wanting to get on with it and move on with your life... For starters, there are several small and delicate pieces and all of them needed [...]

Classic Airframes Westland Wyvern 1/48

This is my Classic Airframes Wyvern (anyone know what a Wyvern is?) and one of my favourites,it certainly is an ungainly looking bird but I love that huge contra-rotating prop set up.This is the only Classic airframes kit I have built and [...]

Look! Up in the air! Is it a bird? A plane? A flying pig? Trumpeter 1/72 Gannet

TC does indeed build in eensy-weensy scale, just not that often. This is the Trumpeter 1/72 Gannet with the A2Zee wingfold and bomb bay sets, with Xtradecals. Sadly, about a week after it was completed, one of the new kittens was [...]