The Grille Database at iModeler

2 articles
  • Items tagged with Grille
  • 2 articles
  • Not yet publicly visible (min 3 articles required)
  • Last addition 6 years, 5 months ago

Sd.Kfz. 138/1 Grille M

Hi all. This is a nigthmare kit from Alan, ref. 015, an old kit from Italeri. 1/35 th scale. Bad plastic, with some sprues very soft and other so hard, that become in very fragile pieces that, very often, its broke when I tried to remove [...]

Some 1:1 scale modeling.

Summer's here and I've been away from my bench getting some automotive projects done. Finally had the slushbox on my '75 Hornet rebuilt so I tackled something that always bothered me. The grille from the 75 and later cars. The 73/74 units [...]