The Hellenic Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Hellenic
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 10 months, 1 week ago

Hellenic Falcon: Hasegawa F-16D Block 52+

The Conformal Fuel Tanks and avionics added to the Block 52+ were a quantum leap for the Fighting Falcon in terms interception range and bombing capabilities. Unlike the real aircraft where the CFTs were made from the same materials like [...]

Hellenic Phantoms: Hasegawa and Meng's 1/48th R/F-4E.

Hellenic Phantoms had colorful variations throughout their long service period in Greece. Years ago, I bult Hasegawa's 'Hellenic Air Force Special' model of an aircraft that commemorates 50 years of the Phabolous. In general, Hasegawa's [...]

A-7E Corsair II `Hellenic Air Force Special'

While not Hasegawa's finest 1/48th jet, the A-7E can be built into a realistic looking model. The decals are the main theme of this Hellenic Air Force Special aircraft. I folded the wing to to make it look more dynamic and compact as the [...]