The JS-3 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with JS-3
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 1 month ago


YOU GUESSED IT...I had to go out in my back yard and get more sandstone for this model. A million guys could come over and get a piece of my sandstone and there will still be enought stone for another couple of million models. If you [...]

JS-3 What If?

This diorama represents a Russian JS-3 that is protecting a factory in Siberia,1946. The Germans have taken most of Russia. The field modifications of screen armor and steel plate protection of the intakes were done to improve [...]

1/35 Tamiya JS-3 Stalin Tank

Here's one fresh off the work bench. I just finished up the pastel weathering. It has been built for a little while, but was lacking the final details. It has Fruilmodel tracks, and I fabricated tow cables from copper wire. I used [...]