The Mecha Database at iModeler

9 articles
  • Items tagged with Mecha
  • 9 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 6 months ago

Codename: Gerbera (Kitbashed Mecha)

OK, this is a weird one. This is a robot model based on a drawing by Jan Buragay. It's mostly kit-bashed and scratched, with a few key elements being 3D printed. I’ve been slowly working on it, on and off, in-between some other projects [...]

Night Stalker

Here’s my latest build, kit-bashed from several kits from a variety of different scales & subjects. I started with a vague idea …a sort of crustacean-like thing, armoured on top, with an exposed, mechanical underbelly. I also [...]

"Overwatch"1/72 Macross Destroid Defender by Bandai

This one I completed just recently. Ever since I first watched the anime series Robotech in the early to mid 80's, I have had a love for mecha. This is linked to the Macross saga with which many are also familiar with. Some may have seen [...]

1:35 Manned Walker

I’ve been wanting to build some sort of open cockpit piloted power suit / walker for a while now. I started with a seated tank crew figure from Miniart and built a seat for him from some styrene scraps and kit parts. I really didn’t [...]

And now for something completely different....

For me, anyway! This is an RX-78-01(N) Local (North American Type) combat robot, or mecha, from the Japanese cartoon series "Gundam". According to the Wiki site, he is 18 meters tall, manned by a single pilot in a torso [...]

It's time for Soviet mechas

It's my first post here on this wonderful forum. Hello everyone! I am Jared. Non-standard, sci-fi/what-if designs that look believable, intrigue me. Eventually, friends convinced me to turn a mech design into a usable model kit, instead of [...]

1:35 scale Hitachi Construction Mech

This was built from a Hasegawa excavator kit and parts from a few Gundam robots and numerous scratch built elements.

Croatian police biped

Futuristic vision of bipedal law enforcement in Croatian police markings. The Wiesel 2 was cut and rest is scratch built around it, with Spz Marder cannon for light targets and some german cannon for water cannon.

Gundam GM(G) candy toy head

First submission to imodeler. Been on a slump for a while unsure what direction I wanted to go with a lot of projects until I picked up this little beasty. Had a whale of a time painting it up using krylon camo paints and then oils to [...]