The Norway Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Norway
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 7 months ago

Gloster GladiatorNorway, April 1940

This is the old but very nice Heller kit of the Gloster Gladiator, with the markings of the Norwegian Air Force as they tried to defend their country against the German invasion in April 1940. I build this kit years ago, but didn't add [...]

Project Complete: 1/35 MENG Norwegian Leopard-1 A5-NO

This is a follow-up article to the "WIP" article submitted last week for the MENG 1/35 Leopard-1 A5-NO. The project is now complete. The build was commissioned by a veteran of the Norwegian Army currently living in Norway. I [...]

1/35 MENG Norwegian Leopard 1-A5-NO2: Work In Progress

A customer who purchased my Norwegian 1/35 AFV NM-116 Tank from an auction site requested some more work from me. He is a veteran from the Norwegian Military and wanted to have some models of the military vehicles he worked with, and [...]