15 articles
Time for another black cockpit, been a while now. Although I have filed a Sit-Around from a RAN Sea Venom before I think you can take one more. This time it´s the very nice cockpit from from the WZ 939 at the Classic Jet Fighter museum at [...]
1/72 Italeri, I modified and added a few things, finished in Revell, MM and Tamiya enamels with Future over Hawkeye decals. --------- I have just changed the main rotor 2019-08-13.
1/72 Revell, my first Wessex, I modified, replaced and added a few things, finished in Revell and MM enamels with Future over Aussie decals.
1/72 Fujimi, my first Skyhawk, I modified the engine intakes and instrument panels, finished in BS 693 and BS 697 by a local manufacturer, Model Master and Tamiya X22 enamels.
1/72 Special Hobby, my first Firefly, I modified and replaced a few things, finished in Model Master, Xtracolor X5, enamels with Halo decals, Future and Xtraflat