The Rheintochter Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Rheintochter
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 5 months ago

Rheintochter R1 Anti Aircraft Missile on E-75 Carrier (What-if/1946) (1/72)

My anti aircraft missile "Rheintochter1" on E-75 carrier. (What- if) (Modelcollect UA72092) One of the almost infinite model variants of Modelcollect with their pro´s and contras. No flash, no sinkmarks, sharp edges however, [...]

Amusing Hobby 1/35 Rheintochter R1

Although it did not reach operational service, the Rheintochter surface to air missile was well into its experimental stages. The development program however, was terminated towards the end of the War. The kit represents a mobile version [...]

Modelcollect 1/72 Germany Rheintochter 1 movable Missile launcher

The menacing looking paper panzer really caught my eye. Model Collect covers a lot of unique subjects and this is no exception. Basically its a good little kit, but the road wheel, suspension and track assemblies are very fiddly. Not [...]