The Starship Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Starship
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 2 months ago

24 - 1/650 AMT Klingon Bird of Prey

Been a while, need to update a few builds, first off the Klingon Bird of Prey. Really enjoyed this build, big and chunky parts, with nice deep recesses for detail. The kit has a lot of detail on it that makes it stand out and the colours [...]

15 - Revell1/112 X-Wing Fighter

I was given this little Star Wars kit and decided to do it as a fun build, which it really was. I decided to try my own scheme and give it a bare metal finish, I wanted to have different metal tones so ended up masking and mixing different [...]

Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise SeriesNCC-1701D from STTNG 1:2500 scale

Star Trek USS Enterprise Series NCC-1701D AMT 1:2500 Model built by Dale Jackson - - (link) I loved this series of 1:2500 ships of the U.S.S. Enterprise. The decals for most were amazing, save for the NCC-1701C which I [...]

1/650 AMT USS Enterprise 50th Anniversary model

For the most part, I'm almost done with this kit, but I wanted to go ahead and photograph it. I still have yet to paint some details on it such as the end of the warp nacelles and so forth, so it's about 98% complete. Definitely an old AMT [...]