The Su-22 Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Su-22
  • 4 articles
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  • Last addition 1 week ago

Kopro 1/48 Sukhoi Su-22 M-4R

A very basic kit...

Sukhoi Su22 M4 "Fitter K" Afganistan Air Force 1988.

1/72 Bilek, built between 2015 and 2021, I added a piece of lead machined to fit the intake spike, deleted the wing swing mechanism, filled the wing roots and hinged the tail planes, finished in mainly MM enamels with Pledge over kit [...]

Sukhoi Su-22; MasterCraft 1/72

As this year is the 50th aniversary of the invasion of Checoslovaquia, I built this model with their colors. This plane is quite special to me, for some reasons: 1- It was a gift from my friend Jorge. 2 - It was my first Russian fighter [...]

Once upon a time, there was a Hungarian Air Force…

After (the so-called) communism ended, so many things changed here, in East/Central Europe...for example the various national armies and forces' attitudes towards a possible war and in addition with that change there happened a re-thinking [...]