A Pacific Devil-P-39Q
One of my "Built a while agos"... Eduard's 1/48 P-39Q. The Q model was the last of the line, featuring underwing .50 cals in pods. Many users removed these, especially the Russians who were it's major operator. "Devastating Devil" was a Pacific "middle of nowhere" Island based fighter, I believe on Makin in the Marshall islands? The Olive Drab colors were painted over with Sand to blend in better out there. The "Devastating" may or may not have been red, but it looks good anyways. The Eduard kit is a basically good one, it's major fault being overly thick wings, as can be seen in a couple of the pics. But I think it looks real good in this livery, which lends itself well to panel line shading. P-39's are good looking just standing still, if only their peformance matched their appearance.
Please forgive the missing pitot tube, just noticed it.
You're right, Bill it's a very handsome aircraft, particularly with that big propeller.
Very nice job on those panel lines, Bill...care to share your method ? By the way, when you install that pitot tube, start that engine one time.
Always loved the look of the Airacobra, sitting on it's trike gear. Not as capable as the Mustang, Spitfire of the day, yet in good hands it did had it's share of successes. I have the Monogram kit to build, which I will hopefully do soon. The Eduards kit i have not seen nor the Hasegawa offering. So really cannot critic any descrepencies though the Eduards looks awesome. Until you mentioned the thick wings, I wouldn't have noticed them. (quite honestly still can't tell how thick or thin they should be). thanks for sharing.
The wings on the Eduard kit are an easy fix (done it several times): sand down the inside of the trailing edge of the upper and lower wing parts until you have a "knife edge", then proceed to assemble. It does a world of good for the overall look of the model.
Another nice one, Mr. Koppos!
Good crisp, clean build. Did you do the panel lines with pencil?
Hey glad you guys like the Cobra. Panel lines were enhanced with homemade water-based acrylic black wash, over an enamel painted and glossed base. It's applied after the decals. I use old Tenax bottles. fill about one half with water, add a bit of flat black acrylic paint. (Model Master or Polly-S work well, Tamiya does NOT). add 5-6 drops of dish soap. (I like Dawn, it keeps my hands lovely). Stir. There you have saved $8.95 for Mig Wash or whatever. Use a fine brush, paint it along the panel lines and let it dry. Wipe off excess with saliva moistened Q-tips or napkins. (If spit grosses you out,even though it's your own, use water). Wipe it off following the airflow for a grunge look. This also works great to simulate oil and grease stains and fuel spills. And on aluminum painted radial engines, it really makes the cooling fins pop out. I will try to put an article together on this in a couple of days, with some pitchers.
By all means...show us lotsa pitchers!
I still want to know how you get your desert scheme models to look like you left them out in the desert sun for several years. Perfectly faired in canopy and great airbrush work! Altogether an excellent job as usual.
Wicked Good! The cockpit doors always reminded me of a Piper Cub with an attitude...
A gorgeous piece of work. Finish is superior.
Another desert pink masterpiece from your bench, Bill. I dig that scheme and your P-39 looks splendid.
Beautiful job! I know it's been several years since you built this, but would you happen to remember what your base colors were for the topside and underside? Especially the underside!
Matt K.
Boy talk about going back. I got a notification on my E-mail there was a response to this 3-year old post. Cool!
Anyways the top color was Model Master ANA 616 Sand, this was an official USAAF paint during the war. I THINK I used Azur blue lightened with white for the under. The RAF used Azur blue in the desert. You could use Duck Egg blue also. Anybody says "that's not right" tell 'em "prove it".
Thank you for the reply! I really like your homebrew blue. Thanks much!
Matt, the P-40s and P-39s of the 15th Fighter Grp landed on Canton Island in OD and neutral gray, The engineer unit there repainted them in a pinkish sand ("coral") upper, and unknown color light blue underneath. There were specific engineer colors, perhaps some of those, or a homebrew mix. The sand color used in North Africa on B-24s/25s/p-40s was reputedly called Arizona desert pink. Same? Who knows.
Given all this, I'd make up something that looks good to you. Who can fault you?I'm leaning toward a variation of Humbrol flesh 61 with a light tan mix.
Actually I am looking at a very similar combination of Model Master paints. The old Polly S paints had a Desert Pink. Too bad it's long gone...
Interesting to know! Thank you!
Matt, I have a theory that the engineers decided to repaint the aircraft to keep from going rock happy. Time when you are in the military sometimes seems to drag. Imagine that! My favorite comment about that is "Forever is a day in Viet Nam." I agree.